Chapter Nine: Gee, You Look Farmiliar

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Before chapter note:

I really want to thank you guys so much for waiting this long.  I read every single last comment on my last update thing explaining how I wont be updating, and they all made me feel alot better.  I couldnt help but smile at every single one of them.  

I'm so sorry for such the long wait, but heres chapter nine, I'm gonna make it long because I feel bad for not updating  in a million bajillion years:)


"We should just get the microwavable bacon.  All you do is put it in the microwave, and them bam, boom, pow, you got bacon." Hayes says, as I chuckle.

"Yeah, bam, boom, pow, I just set the apartment on fire." I say, as Hayes laughs.

"Well, we need to go grocery shopping anyways.  We can try it." Hayes suggests

"Okay, I guess.  I need another bag of frosted animal crackers anyways." I say, as we both get up off the couch.  Hayes grabs his car keys, (cause he has the nice car, you know.) and I grab keys to the apartment.  We sya goodbye to Harley, and leave.

"TO THE GROCERY SHOP!" Hayes shouts, running down the hall.

"AND BEYOND!" I shout, running behind him.


"THERE ON SALE FOR ONLY A DOLLAR WERE GETTING TEN." I shout, grabbing a bunch of the frosted animal crackers.  Hayes just chuckles and shakes his head.

"Your gonna eat them all yourself?  Because I dont like them." Hayes says

"Thats the beauty of it, Hayes.  I get to eat them all." I smile, throwing a bunch of them in the cart Hayes is pushing around.

"I swear G, your like a little kid." Hayes chuckles.

"Hey, I'm only 17." I say, skipping around the isle.

"So am I." Hayes says, looking at various sauces.

"Why are you looking at sauces, various ones at that?" I ask

"I'm thinking of what they would taste like on pasta." he says

"If only, if only." I say.

We continue talking, and walking around, trying to get everything we need.

"Do we need dish soap?" I ask.

"I dont know, just get one in case."  Hayes says, as I shrug my shoulders, and throw one in the cart.  I lok over to my side, to see a girl, probaly a couple years older than me.  She has the redish, curly hair, and she has freckles.

I swear, she looks so farmiliar.  Where have I seen her before?

"Hayes, is it just me or does that lady look farmiliar?" I ask, gesturing to the girl.

"She does, thats weird." Hayes says.

"Wait. I know who she is." I say, widening my eyes, looking at the farmilliar cat ears on her head. 

"Its Mahogony." I say in disbelief.  I havent seen her in a good 2 or 3 years.  She looks different, her teeth are perfectly straight, and she lost her red lipstick for more of a natural shade.  

"Mahogony?" Hayes says, as she turns around, her jaw drops as well.

"Hayes, Gianna?" she says

"I havent seen you in forever!" I say, wrapping her in a hug.

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