Chapter Eight: Whats That?

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*2 days later*

The special surprise finally arrived, and I'm siked.  

So, here's the plan.

Two days ago, I ordered a corn snake from the pet store. Corn snakes dont bite or anything, I think. All I know is that there not poinsonis.  (is that how you spell it lolol)  Hayes hates snakes, alot, so what I'm gonna do it when he goes into the bathroom, I'm gonna unleash the beast while he's washing his hands.  And now is the perfect time.

I open up the box, onnly to see a squirpion. What the heck? I ordered a dang corn snake!  Not a squirpion. I guess it will have to do.  I grab the box, and I can hear Hayes turning on the sink in the bathroom. I quickly run to the bathroom, open the door, fling the squirpion in the room, and shut the door.

"WHATS THAT?" Hayes screams, as I start laughing.

"Its a squirpion, be careful, you might die if it stings you." I shout to Hayes through the door, and I hear his girly scream once again.  I die of laughter, and after a second or two open the door, to see Hayes standing on the toilet, the thing staring right at him.  

"Get it!  Its gonna kill me!" Hayes shouts, throwing toilet paper at it,

"Hayes, calm down, its just an animal, or mammal, or reptile, which ever one." I say, putting the box over it, and scooping it up, I close the box and smile to Hayes.

"That was not funny." Hayes says, crossing his arms.

"Nope, it wasnt," I begin. "It was hilirious." I say with a straight face.

"You think your so funny, dont you?" Hayes says, getting down from the toilet seat.

"Pretty funny, if I may say so myself." I say, patting the box for no apparent reason.

"This is not over Smith, you better watch your back." Hayes says.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" I say, clutching my heart with one hand, the other still holding the box. "Oh, and I think we should keep this little fella." I say, shaking the box.

"Yeah right, in your dreams, that thing is out of here." Hayes says.  He grabs the box, and runs to our balcony.  He drops the box over the ledge, and it lands in somones convertable driving by.

"Good job you little twat!" I say, thwacking his head.

"Well, thats done with." Hayes smiles.

"So, what do you want to do?"  He asks, flopping down on the couch.

"I dont know." I say, flopping next to him, and resting my head onto his shoulder.

"We could, take Harley for a walk?" Hayes gestures to the little dog holding his leash in his mouth in front of us.

"Lets go." I smile.  I put the leash on little Harley, and the three of us walk out the apartment door, and make our way downstairs and outside.  We take our little route we made up when we first moved in, just around the block basically.  I have Harley's leash in one hand, and Hayes' hand in the other.  Were swaying our hands back and fourth, and, Harley just peed. Thats nice to see. Not really.

"I wish dogs could just use toilets." I sigh.

"If only Gianna, if only." Hayes chuckles, and I smile. He's so adorable, I just cant take it. So, I go on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Why'd you do that?" Hayes asks, chuckling.

"Because I love you." I say in a sing song voice.  He leans down and gives me a peck on the lips.

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