Chapter Thirteen: Were Done, For Good.

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Something changed with Hayes.  Two days after the incident I went back to our apartment, only to find Hayes drunk again.  Even when he was sober the next morning, he treated me like crap.  

I tried my hardest to get through to him, but he would push me away and wouldnt talk to me, or he would abuse me, nothing too big, more of a slap to the cheek or a kick to the shin, but it still hurt me.  Not physically, but emotionally.  

I thought maybe I can try and change him back into the Hayes that I used to know and love, just a couple days ago actually.  It all happened because someone had to bring alchol to the Magcon reunine party thing.  

"Hayes, thats your 3rd beer this hour." I say, getting worried about how much he drinks.  

"I dont give a shit." he says, as my heart breaks a little.  It breaks a little every time he gives me back a comment that he never once did before.  

"Hayes, you know, I dont actually know what happened to you.  I used to love you, I still do.  I know that somewhere in you theres still the old Hayes I know and love, but you've changed.  I'm done with the crap that you've been putting me through.  Hitting and kicking me, retorting mean comments.  Were done, Hayes.  You can have this apartment to yourself from now on.  I'm packing up, and taking Harley with me." I say, already feeling the hot tears in my eyes.

"You know you wouldnt do that, your too much of a wuss."  he says, as I ignore his comment and rush into my room.  I see Harley sleeping on my bed, but his eyes open when I walk towards my closet.  

"Were getting out of here, Harley." I say, taking out my suitcases, and packing up.  I never thought the day would come when I would leave Hayes.  I loved him, he loved me, atleast, thats what I thought.  If you love someone, you dont treat them like how Hayes was treating me.  

And now, I'm officially done with him.


I have Harley in his little cage thing that I can carry around with me, and I have a good number of suitcases by the door.  Hayes is passed out on the couch, beer bottles surrounding him.  

Before I leave, I decide to write him a note, explaining why I'm leaving, if he doesnt already know.

Dear Hayes,

                        Hayes, where do I begin.  We met when we were 13, and we just automatically clicked.  We have so many memories together, and its a shame to see them all go to waste.  

                        Youve changes Hayes, alot.  One swing of a coors light and you changed into a different person.  You hit and kick me, you dont talk to me, you dont love me anymore, and thats what hurts me the most.  

                        So I'm done with you, Hayes.  But just so you know, I do love you, I love you alot but you dont understand that.  For the past week and a half I've been trying to get through to you, but you just keep on getting drunk and giving me rude and hurtful remarks.  

                        Maybe one day we'll meet again, but it will never ever be the same, Hayes.  Your the reason why I'm leaving.  Your the reason this whole thing happened.  

                        And Hayes, lay off the beers.  I dont want you to end up like my father.  Even though you've treated me poorly, I dont want to see anyone turn out like him.  

                                                -Gianna Smith

I made various trips up and down the elevator with my bags.  The last thing I took was Harley, before taking one last look at the apartment I have only been living in for around 3 weeks or so.  

"Goodbye Hayes." I mumble, closing the door, and starting my new life.  My new life, without Hayes Grier.  

guys, I'm a terrible person.

your probaly gonna start a hate page on me or something with this ending.  

yes, this is the ending to this book, kinda.  I'm gonna have an epilouge up in and hour or like 10 minutes it shall vary.  

I know that you guys are probaly upset it ended this way, and the chapter is pretty short, but the truth is, I found Gianna and Hayes' relationship to cliche.  I think thats the right word.  

Like, they date and have a perfect relationship and then get married.  Thats not how it happens in the real world.  You suffer heartbreaks, and some people suffer abusive boyfriends/girlfriends.  I wanted to make this story more realistic, but it didnt work out well, until this chapter.  Its to show you that not every fanfiction will have a perfect, happy ending.  

No, in the beginning I didnt plan this to happen, it just kinda happened along the way.  

But, thank you all for coperating with me through all this stuff, I know that I'm not worth it and half of you arent even gonna read this, but thank you guys so much for reading, voting, commenting, and all that good stuff.  

But yeah, theres the ending of Moving On With A Grier.

(epilouge will be up soon)


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