Prologue {2}

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Gray's POV

I had been watching him. Calmly waiting for him.

My eyes had been set on him since I had first caught sight of his vibrant pink hair.

He was so beautiful.

I had been protecting him. Every Alpha that even attempted to see him was immediately killed by me.

But I had made a mistake. I took my eyes off him just once to catch a rabbit that had passed by, and when I looked back, He was gone.

Panic arose from the pit of my stomach. I scented the air, angry to realize that my Omega had been ambushed by five other Alphas.

I had followed their scent until arriving at a huge tree. I stayed hidden in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

One foolish Alpha tried to climb the tree but fell on his hand. Idiot. Every Alpha by now should have known that nature was one of our biggest enemies.

Day turned to night as I stayed hidden and I watched as the Alphas tried to set camp. My Omega was comfortably napping in the tree he had climbed.

He was beautiful.

So exceptionally beautiful.

I was beginning to feel drowsy when he woke up and jumped down on the ground only to call one of the creatures of the forest and ride away.

I internally cursed. Tracking him down was gonna be a bitch, but I would do it, cause he was my Omega.

When I was certain he was gone, I carefully took out my ice-made knife and slit all the Alpha's throats in there sleep. I took the time to raid them for anything they had then I was off.

It took a few hours, but I was finally able to locate him.

His sleeping angelic face made me groan in want. He was just unbelievably beautiful.

I couldn't wait anymore. I had to claim him. Mark him as mine. Breed him.

I made my way to him and straddled his waist, that way any form of escape was futile.

His long pink lashes started to flutter open and I was met with big, shining emerald green eyes.

We held a silent staring battle and before I knew it, the thick smell of slick was in the air. The Alpha in me screamed for me to dominate him.

My dick pulsed in my pants. I wanted to be buried in him so deeply that it physically hurt.

"Look what we have here," My voice came out a lot hoarser than I thought possible. The Omega beneath me moaned and my dick grew even harder.

My Omega was so beautiful, so deliciously beautiful. The smell of cinnamon and firewood waffled through the air as he bared his neck in submission to me.

I glanced at the mark on his shoulder and smirked, so my Omega was powerful.

"My, my, what a powerful Omega," I dived my nose to his neck, leaving light butterfly kisses. He gave out another loud moan and I was absolutely positive that I was going to pop a knot if he moaned again.

I had stopped at the crook of his neck and bared my teeth, ready to give him my mark, ready to claim him as mine.

One second I was about to claim the withering Omega beneath me and the next I was abruptly attacked by a blue, winged tiger.

My Omega was gone the second I was able to get on my feet and I stared at the retreating figures.

"Don't run from me beautiful," I spoke lowly, "'cause I'll always find you..."


Question of the chapter:

Do you think Gray's approach to claiming Natsu is right, or is there something he could have done differently?

I was bored so I wrote another part to this book. Sue me. Anywhore, don't forget to vote, comment, fan, and share!

Bye my gaybabies
And don't forget to SHINE!

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