Natsu {2}

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*Warning. Shitty writing because it's honestly been a year, guys. I'm so sorry.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(; ω ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Natsu's POV

When evening came, the smell of worry and anxiety filled the air. The ten of us chosen had returned to the Capital. With all our necessities, we huddled together trying to give each other comfort.

"What if we make a run for it now?" Lucy whispered, desperation shining in her eyes.

"It's too much trouble," Mira started, "The chances for escaping is extremely low. Not only that but once they catch you, they'll punish you and make your chances of not getting claimed lower."

"Believe her," Mavis interjected, "I've tried, and what she said is true. It was my roughest year in the Chasing; didn't think I would make it out alive."

"But what's wrong with being caught?" Juvia had asked. "Isn't it in Juvia's nature to mate and have pups?"

I got up from our makeshift human nest, rage burning in my body.

"I don't know about you, but I don't appreciate being ripped away from my family just because some Alpha--," I started, but was interrupted by the one and only, Bob.

"Well aren't you guys looking just lovely all wrapped together like a family," Bob had said, popping out of thin air. "Just came to say that five carriages will be here shortly so partner up!"

The words completely shattered the tense atmosphere, but now the worry was back.

"Try not to escaped will ya'," He cheerfully exclaimed giving Lucy the side eye, "because I'll be watching you guys throughout your whole journey! Toodles!" And like that, he was gone.

The carriages pulled up minutes later and Levy took my arm and dragged me into the first carriage before I could try anything.


"I don't want to be here," I growled.

"I know," Levy said.

"Rogue's heat is coming soon and we were supposed to spend it together."

"They're other Omegas that will take care of him in his time of need."

Anger flashed before my eyes at her calm demeanor. "Don't you care about the fact that they're ripping you away from everything you've ever known!"

Levy sighed and turned to face me. "Of course I'm angry, Natsu. I'm more than angry! But yelling isn't going to fix anything."

"Then what should I do?!"

"Channel that anger into energy, let it fuel you, not take over you."

Before I could ask her how I could do that, Levy placed her hand onto my forehead and in an instant, everything became blurry and I was suddenly very tired. Unable to maintain my consciousness, I fell asleep as Levy spoke...

"Solid Script: Sleep."


"-tsu, Natsu. Natsu!"

I groaned, "Wha--, where are we, Rogue?"

There was a short, empathetic sigh and all too soon memories of our recent events came crashing in my mind. My scent immediately turned sour as I sat up and turned to look at the window, not wanting to look at Levy.

"I'm sorry, Natsu but I needed to get you under control before you did something you would regret," Levy murmured.

"Yes, because fighting for my freedom is a bad thing."

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