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*Warning. Mention of rape/ active rape ahead. 


Gray's POV

My eyes snapped open and a sense of determination washed over me.

Find him.

I sat up from my comfortable bed turned to my nightstand, grabbing the little notebook and pen I had there.

Find him.

Green eyes, pink hair, tan skin, and a red marking on his right shoulder.

Find. Him.

"I'm coming for you..."


"How was your sleep, son?" My father, Silver, asked.

"I had a dream about the upcoming chasing, father."

He put down his newspaper and took a sip of his coffee before setting that too down.

"I was just about to talk to you about that," He said, "Have a seat."

I sat down in the chair across from him and immediately one of our beta maids set down my breakfast in front of me. She scurried off without a word.

"This year is going to be your first year chasing," I nodded in agreement, "so to make sure that you got in, I paid a large sum of jewels; nothing too serious though."

You see, every single Alpha wanted to be in the chasing. It wasn't just an 'I want an Omega' it was more of an 'I need an Omega.' Omegas were priceless. If you somehow got your hands on one, you were practically set for life. Not only did they cook, clean, and take care of other stuff, but if you were low on money, you could easily sell your Omega out for a night of fun for a lot of jewels. Plus, the more powerful they were, the wilder the sex.

At least, that's what father and my school had taught me.

"How many do I need to catch?" I asked.

"Just one for now, so about that dream."

"Right, so he had-"

"He?" My father questioned with a smirk. Since there were less male Omegas than female, they went for a higher price.

"Yes, he was beautiful. Green eyes, pink hair, and powerful. Very powerful."

"Sounds like a great investment; bring him home." My father was a dealer, an Omega dealer. He sold the Omegas he caught and had turned them into a business. I was the product of the second Omega he caught but my father had chosen me to be the heir to his business instead of my older half-brother because I showed more potential.

"I better start training then," I said as I left my uneaten breakfast, "Good day father."

"Good day son."


I spent days practicing, training my magic so I could be stronger. My catch was very powerful and it would be the ultimate disgrace for an Alpha to be weaker than an Omega. I spared with my brother too, considering that we had similar magic and he was giving me tips on what to do in The Chasing since he was also going to gun for his second Omega.

"You never want to be seen," Lyon had said, "Usually, there are at least three Alphas all gunning for the same Omega. It would be smart to allow them to fight to the death and once the victor emerges, you strike."

"And what if the Omega fights back?" I asked.

He glared at me, as if my question was the most stupid thing he had ever heard, "Then you claim them."

My eyes widened in surprise, "It's that a bit too extreme?"

"Do you want an Omega or not!" He growled, his glared turning deadly. "You think I want to discuss this with you? You either come back with an Omega or you don't, it's that simple." He left, leaving me behind, probably to find his Omega and relieve some stress.

*~* (Active Rape ahead)

When the Picking came, I knew it was time. I had been selected and that was all the information I needed to know. I didn't care about the other Alphas that been chosen because I would have time to study them during the Banquet.

"Father, I have been chosen," I announced as I entered my home, a Beta coming to assist me. The Beta took my jacket and quietly congratulated me on my news.

I continued onward, noticing that my father was balls deep inside one of his Omegas. The pain she was feeling was clear on her face as my father tried to see if he could breach her cunt. She turned to me, her eyes pleading, begging for me to stop her torture. I simply turned my eyes away and started for my room.

"I am to pack my belongings and return to the Capital for the Banquet." The Beta that had greeted me at the door followed me to my room.

"What would you like to pack, my Alpha?"

"Just necessities," I replied.

He gave a short nod before starting to pack my clothes. There was a loud scream which was followed by an even louder smack. The smell of a distressed Omega was thick in the air.

"Father could you please control your bitch! She's stinking up the place!" I heard Lyon shout.

"I'm done with her anyway," Silver replied, "Go put her on the market, I'm ready to sell the whore." There was crying and footsteps and the smell in the house had intensified. I was already tired of my family's bullshit.

"Are my things ready?" I asked the Beta.

"Yes, my Alpha."

"Good, let us go." I left my room and out the door, happy to finally be able to smell clearly again.

There was a chariot awaiting me and the driver had asked if I was Gray Fullbuster. I nodded my head and he quickly jumped off his horse to open the door for me. Once my stuff was situated in the back of the chariot and the driver was back on his horse, we left.


Question of the Chapter:

Any thoughts on Silver or what he does for a living?

Oh, my goodness. Long time no see my gaybabies! This month has been a super busy month for me. I went to the Pride Parade in L.A. with my family, drew one thing every day for the whole of June to show my pride, and tried to catch up on my summer homework. Plus, my summer classes are starting on July 2nd. So super busy, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been reading your amazing comments and every one of them just filled me with joy. Umm, I also made a tumblr (gratsu4ever) but I don't even know how to use it so if you help me then I'll follow you! Just PM me. 

And also, I know this chapter is a lot shorter than the last but bear with me and tbh I kinda think this chapter was trash. Could have been written so much better and I might post fanart next update... might... Anywhore, don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and share.

Bye my gaybabies

And don't forget to SHINE!

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