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I put on my Dementor costume without a care...Probably because of my psychopathic tendencies without the killing or torturing of animals...I was a vegetarian. I could barely see shit but for Brianna, I'd wear this. Brianna's my half-sister and the only person I'd dress up for. I stumbled out of my room and into someone.

"Sorry...I can't see who you are," Too small to be Brianna or Darling which left..."Hey AJ, dressed up as a Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Hufflepuff?" AJ laughed, she had a house identity crisis which I didn't really understand.

"Hufflepuff because they need more representation...And Darling claimed Ravenclaw," I faked a laugh which probably made her smile. "I'm going to help you, okay? I'm going to put your hand on my arm and lead you to the others." She lifted up my hand and put it on a woolly arm. We walked together until we reached the others. Brianna hugged me.

"Thanks for being a good half-brother," I hugged back, mimicking human emotion. "Now, it's time for the video. Ready?" I nodded, wishing I had told my mom and her dad that she had a YouTube channel. We were seated in order of height until Brianna realised she wouldn't be near the middle so we went by age which didn't work either. "Okay! I'll just sit near the middle beside Vince and everyone else stays where they are," I shifted uncomfortably, wedged beside AJ. "Did anyone turn on the camera?" I sighed, scratching under my dementor mask.

"Well, this is shitty Halloween," Everyone laughed uncomfortably and I sighed again. "The camera's on, isn't it?" No one said anything. "I'm actually blind right now so you better not be nodding. The only thing I know for sure is who I'm sitting beside, right AJ?" AJ put a hand on my shoulder.

"You're blind but you know who I am? Really?" I nodded and someone clapped their hands, making me jump. "I think you should remove the mask but keep the hood on." I shook my head.

"I can't without taking off the hood as well," I accidentally elbowed someone in the boob. "Sorry. Do we have to start again?" Brianna sighed loudly.

"Yeah. I clicking play in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," I could almost see her smiling at her camera. "Hello, stars," Her channel was called BobSaysHello which I personally didn't understand but if it got views. "Today with the help of my friends and half-brother, I'm going to be doing Marry, Kiss, Fuck. As you can see we all dressed up, I'm a background Slytherin." Vince cleared his throat, putting on a voice.

"I'm Snape, Snape, Severus Snape," I rolled my eyes and was thankful no one saw. "I'm his corpse reanimated which is why my throat is cut." Darling sighed on my other side which meant I elbowed her in the boob.

"I'm a background Ravenclaw and this is my owl," Robbie did a small hoot and I held back a snigger. "I'm probably going to have a lot of husbands and wifes." Judging by the elbow in my ribs, I'm next.

"I'm a dementor because I'm the best brother ever, right Brianna?" I didn't get a reply. "Can you stop nodding? I can't see for shit." AJ cleared her throat.

"I'm a Hufflepuff. I'm not saying background because barely any Hufflepuffs appear as main characters," There was a loud scream coming from outside. "What the hell is that?" I pulled off my hood and saw Brianna turning off her camera. I got up and ran to the window to see the parade but it wasn't the normal parade since there were actual corpses on the ground. The few people that were standing looked up at me with bloody mouths, revealing fangs.

"What the fuck?" I stepped away from the window and ran into my stepdad's office. I went to his wall safe and unlocked it, taking out the guns. "Stay away from the windows. Anyone able to shoot?" Brianna nodded along with AJ. "Get ready for fighting vampires," I handed them guns and looked out the window to see Vince looking out with his head out. "Vince!" He looked at me as a hand smashed through the window and nearly pulled him out. I shot the hand and Robbie grabbed Vince before he could fall. Vince looked at me again, looking very pale.

"Thanks for saving my life," I just nodded as a reply as I pointed my gun out the window. "Please tell me that I wasn't almost killed by a vampire." I looked at Brianna with my painted smile.

"I'm not allowed to lie, right?" Brianna's annoyed look became scared and I looked to see a vampire jump at me. I couldn't shoot and it pinned me down, biting my throat. "SHIT! SHOOT IT!" Everyone was hesitating and I couldn't reach my gun. Everything started to go dark as someone decided to shoot it and I was splattered with vampire brains. Someone pressed a tie to the bite and I saw AJ who I couldn't see properly.

"Hold still. Sorry, I didn't help earlier, there was one attacking me," I was too busy bleeding out to reply. "Brianna, do you guys have a first aid kit? Just to, you know, stop him from bleeding out," Any other day, I would've told AJ off but I was angry at Brianna. I felt so sleepy but stopped myself from sleeping because there would be a small chance I'd wake up again. "Thanks," The tie was removed and a huge band-aid was put on my neck. "Is that better?" I nodded, still sleepy. "Where does your mom keep her iron pills? You're probably going to need them." I swallowed hard before answering.

"The en-suite. Top shelf, labelled viagra," Everyone gave me a look. "Sorry, blood loss is making me want to say jokes," Someone, maybe Robbie gave me some cranberry juice. "Thanks whoever did that, I'm not a hundred percent sure." Robbie grunted which confirmed my suspicion. AJ handed me an iron pill and a bottle of water. I put the pill in the mouth and drank the water. Brianna was on the phone, tears going down her face.

"D-Dad? DADDY?!" I tried to get up to hug her but fell down. Vince went over to her and hugged her. "We-we need to hide. Block up the windows and the door." I grabbed her hand as she walked passed me.

"What happened to my mom?" She didn't answer and pulled away. If I could feel anything, I would've been crying instead of staring blankly at the ceiling lights. I was ready for revenge.

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