Now, we drink

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We have dinner together and I'm wedged between Jade and my cousin, Bec, who are busy groping their boyfriends. I glare at Brianna.

"Why couldn't I sit beside you?" Vince waves at me and I glance at the couples. "No offence to your love but can you stop groping each other for ten seconds? I'm trying to eat." Bec sighs and moves away from her boyfriend who signs angrily. 

"Jake, he's right. Stop calling my cousin an asshole," I get up and go get beer. "Jake, he's literally sleeping on the roof so the two of us can have a room, be nice." I sigh into the refrigerator and hold up my beer.

"Anyone else want beer? I've got a feeling it's going to be a long night," Everyone nods, including the vampires. "Can a vampire go on a beer run? We don't have enough for everyone." Tom stands up, nodding.

"I'll get us all Guinness and see which human passes out first, bet's on Romano." Dante looks at a girl who I assume is his sister after Tom runs out.

"Me or you? He is so fucking annoying," Jade looks at him, shocked and choking on her beer. "What? You can say that the head vampires are fucking annoying but I cannot about Tom Flack?" Jade stops choking, setting down her beer.

"How's he annoying? He's a nice guy," Every Guardian snorts into their beers except the two who are busy sticking their tongues down each other's throats. "Dante, I haven't seen you so worked up about someone since..." She doesn't finish and Dante takes her hand, squeezing it.

"Kazimir was a monster and Tom used to be one," St Clair seems to tense until his girlfriend kisses his cheek. "I just find him annoying as this chipper person because I remember what he did." Tom clears his throat from the door, holding Guinness.

"Dante, I've apologized a lot over the last eighty years, what the fuck do I have to do for you to accept my apologies?" Dante doesn't answer, sipping his beer and Tom looks at everyone. "For those who don't know, I killed the last Salvatore prophesied who looked exactly like Jade who Dante had feelings for." Jade sips her beer, not bothered.

"Dante told me about her in case you were trying to break us up," Tom raises an eyebrow at Dante who looks very pale. "What are you giving him that look for?" Tom grins, sipping one of the cans of Guinness.

"Because it's clear that he didn't tell you about the kid they had together," Dante's sister and Jade both look surprised. "Oh, not even dear Maria knows about...Alessandro?" A blonde woman with Jade's eyes glares at Dante.

"Seriously?! You won't love me but you'll love two of my descendants and name a kid you have with one of them after me?!" Alessandra, I guess, storms out and Jade stands up, looking sad.

"Jesse, can you show me a restroom, please?" I nod and lead her to the restroom where she stops me. "I know this is a weird question but do any of the girls have tests?" I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Not that I'm supposed to know about that sort of thing, there might be some in the toilet tank beside some weed and a copy of Gallagher Girls," She shrugs and goes in. "I'll wait here then...So you don't get lost on the way back." I sit awkwardly against the wall beside the door and wait. Twenty minutes later, Jade appears, looking extremely pale.

"Can you get Kat? She's the pale blonde wearing grey and holding hands with the blue haired guy." I nod and hurry back to the dining room. I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Kat? Jade wants you," The girl frowns and gets up. "She's the second door on the left in the right corridor." Kat hurries passed me and Dante gets up. "Don't even think about it." Dante gives me a look that makes me wish he wasn't taller than me.

"Jesse, she is my girlfriend and I want to check that she is okay," I stand my ground, wishing I was emotionless again so I wouldn't be scared. "Let me passed, please." Maria's boyfriend clears his throat, standing up.

"Dante, don't," Dante turns, looking betrayed. "I've known Jade my whole life and you've technically stalked Jade her entire life, you know if she doesn't ask to see you, she doesn't want to see you even if it's you." Dante sits down.

"You are right, Kyle," Maria gives Kyle a surprised look as I sit down as well. "And, Maria, to answer the unasked question...He died three hours after he was born. It hurt too much to tell you." Kat appears in the doorway, looking slightly worried.

"Dante, Jade needs to talk to you," Dante speeds runs out of the room and Kat takes Guinness from Tom. "Now, we drink and ignore any sounds that may come from the restroom," I frown as something clicks in my brain and I choke on my beer, coughing violently. "Are you okay, Jesse?" I nod slowly as the coughing subsides.

"Yep, I was just testing something," Kat nearly chokes on her Guinness as she understands. "So, anyone else's beer flat or just mine?" Maria's gaze flicks between Kat and me.

"What do you know?" I drink my beer and Kat kisses her boyfriend to avoid answering. "Answer me or I will have to look into your mind. Do either of you want that?" Kat pulls out of the kiss and sighs at Maria.

"It's Jade's thing, she'll tell if she wants," Maria focuses intently on me and she covers her mouth. "Seriously?! This is what you use your fucking Telepathy for?" I touch my forehead.

"How much do you know about me?" Maria shrugs while glancing quickly at AJ. "I feel violated and I'm going to set up my tent on the roof. Looks like there's a storm coming. Enjoy sleeping with each other and Tom, I'd sleep with one eye open if I was you," I walk towards the roof to see Dante and Jade kissing each other. "Congrats, you two." They pull away from each other and Jade smiles at me.

"Thanks...Hopefully, history won't repeat itself." I go up onto the roof and set up my tent before going to sleep.

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