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Alessandra sneaks out the window after kissing Dante and Jade's cheeks. Anya takes AJ, Brianna, Dante and Maria, leaving me with Jade and St Clair. I lean against a wall and take a nap while the other prophesied are coming into the room. Instead of going to the beach, I'm in the same room as Dante and AJ...I'm looking through Maria's eyes...Ish. I move and see Maria about to fall asleep.

Well duh, I hear Maria think. I need you to see and hear everything Dante says or does while I sleep...Please. He is hiding something from Jade and I. I watch Dante toss and turn against a wall before opening his eyes, bolting up right, clutching his chest. He looks at AJ, Brianna and Maria, checking they're asleep.

"Time...Alessio...My brother...Is it true?" Time appears and sits beside Dante, not answering. "I will lose them either way? Tell me. I begging you. Tell me the truth." Time sighs with tears going down his face.

"You will either lose them in five hours...Or for the final prophecy," Dante starts to cry, his hand covering his face. "She will save them in five hours...It is better for the final prophecy to kill them...You die with them. You have to." Dante looks at Time, looking very sad.

"Too bad. I would have named them after you if they were a boy," Everything clicks into place and I want to cry with him. "Maybe it is a good thing. What kind of father would I be? The only father I ever had is going to try to kill the girl I love which causes my best friend's death. Besides, he was a shitty father." Time elbows Dante in the ribs, looking annoyed.

"You watched me and the others be fathers. If we idiotas can do it, you can a lot better than us," Time becomes sad and amends himself. "You could do a lot better," Time hugs Dante which is a weird sentence to me. "Goodbye brother...I probably see me again at the end...I will make sure they will be there waiting with me." Time disappears and Dante is left hugging air.

"Goodbye brother," Dante whispers before looking right at me. "Jesse...Please do not tell Jade or Maria what you heard. I will tell them when this is all over." I walk over to him and awkwardly touch his shoulder.

"I won't...I'm sorry about your kid. He or she would have an amazing father...Is there anyway to save them both? To save the three of you?" I wake up and look at Jade. She's fast asleep with her hand on her belly...On her child. Mickey notices me watching. "I think something bad's going to happen." I say quietly and Mickey moves to sit beside me.

"Did Anya hijack you again?" I shake my head and Mickey frowns at me. "Was it Time? Did he tell you an important thing about the final prophecy?" I swallow, making sure Jade's asleep.

"Maria hijacked me...She had me spy on Dante," I rub the back of my neck before continuing. "Dante had a dream or something and he called Time," I look at Mickey and remember that he's Jade's brother. "Then I woke up but something in Dante's face made me think something bad's going to happen to Jade...And the kid." Mickey looks at Jade who starts to shiver.

"Do you have a jacket? She's cold," I shake my head and he looks at the others who shake their heads. "Why do none of us have jackets?" Mad snorts.

"Because we're dying in LA," Only Winter laughs with her and Mad looks incredulous. "Panic! At The Disco? Winter, you are my only friend...In this room even if you almost killed me with your red eyes." I glance at Winter before I remember AJ's red eyes.

"Why did you have red eyes?" I ask, dreading the answer. No one answers, Mickey, Winter and Mad share a look. "What the fucking hell does it mean? I thought I saw AJ's eyes look red when you told us your plan, what does it mean?" St Clair's as confused as me and Winter looks terrified.

"AJ's eyes looked red? Shit," Winter looks at Mickey who was rummaging through Mad's bag. "Get Time while I explain this," Mickey nods, taking out a ouija board. "I had red eyes because I had gone over to the head vampires' mother's side...I didn't know it could happen to anyone outside of the prophesied." I nod then I remember that AJ had been there when Dante was talking to Time and hurry over to the ouija board where Mickey's having trouble.

"Time, you're my family, help me!" Mickey almost yells at the board and it reminds stationary. I touch the pointer and say what I realised.

"Time, she may know what your brother dreamt," Time appears, looking confused, his eyes red rimmed. "I was there. AJ's on her side, apparently...She might know." Time pales and focuses on Jade with a frown.

"Where is Jade?" I glance at Jade and see Anya instead, pulling off a green/pink/yellow wig. "I must go. It is a trap." He disappears and Anya sits up, looking guilty.

"Tom had to take her so I'll be safe," Mickey looks angry and I can see St Clair about to punch Anya. "I didn't choose to be a fucking pawn. I just wanted to be with the guy I love, you get that right? Mad killed her own brother, Mickey killed his head vampire even if there was a chance she was his father and Jade killed her own grandmother for Dante, Tom's doing the same thing." Mad surges forward and slaps her in the face.

"My brother asked me to kill him. Mickey's possible father was a serial rapist and Jade's granny asked her to so she'd be with your dad," Mad slaps her again. "This isn't the same thing. Especially since we're the fucking good guys." Anya touches her cheek and heads to the door with a knowing smirk.

"Every villain is the hero in their own story...Why can't you be a bad guy if your families can?" She opens the door and Ezio stands there with a smile.

"Time to die, Jesse. Jade is waiting with all your friends," I walk forward with the others behind me. "Oh, we found AJ's gun...Too bad you can't show mercy without a weapon." I hide my emotions quickly, especially when I notice Mad's gun sticking out of her boots.

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