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I practice shooting off the rooftop, enjoying the sun burning my neck, not. Someone stands beside me and I fake a smile for AJ.

"Hey. Breakfast ready?" She nods and I follow her down into our house. It became ours last year after I nearly died and was saved by AJ for the millionth time. The others are probably eating everything that I like to eat but it's fine, we are a big happy family after all. We reach the kitchen and the others are waiting for us. "Is this an intervention? Do I need to stop killing vampires and being prophesied for getting rid of the last vampires?" Brianna gives me a look.

"I know we stopped celebrating birthdays but you're eighteen today. Can't we celebrate?" I shake my head, remembering the numbness at mom's death. "I get that today's not the happiest day but-" I laugh meanly, interrupting her.

"I lost my dad today...I lost my twin today. I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was five, why start today?" The car accident, flashing lights, Jamie screaming my name, dad's blood on my teddy bear. "Brianna, I get that you're trying to liven things up but...I might die. One of the other prophesied, Winter died but she came back. All the prophesied are alive right now, hopefully, it stays that way," Brianna walks away and Vince follows her, giving me a look. "I meant, I have faith I'll be okay...Maybe not St Clair, he would probably die by falling on his face," A door slams. "I made it worse?" Robbie nods.

"Yeah, you did," I kick a stool softly and eat a bowl of cornflakes. "Look, Jesse, I get that we don't get on...Barely at all," I snort, understatement of the year. "But, your sister's worried that any second, vampires are going to break in and kill you on a certain day...She's worried that you won't find a way out of this. A way to save yourself." I look at Robbie, swallowing the cornflakes.

"The others had to do horrible things...Except for Mickey. Loopholes aren't always the answer," He frowns at me and I sigh. "They've never said it but...Every time, their eyes look so dead and it makes me worry in case..." I trail off, looking at where Brianna went and AJ understands.

"You don't want to kill her if that's the only way you can live," I don't reply because a reply isn't needed. "She's lucky to have you." I don't agree but don't say anything as Brianna screams from her room. I take out my gun and run in to find vampires wearing blankets holding Brianna and Vince by their throats. One of them bares their fangs at me.

"Drop your gun or else, prophesied," They put their fangs near Brianna's throat and I drop the gun, safety on. "Good boy, heel," I growl as the others run in. "Drop your weapons or they both die." I hear thumps as the guns and knives hit the ground. The one holding Vince points the way we came.

"Go to the front door and let our friends in...The Young," Darling leaves the room and we hear her opening the door. "The prophesied is the one who is dead inside!" The others frown at me and I bare my teeth.

"I'm not dead inside, I just have psychopathic tendencies," I take Brianna's hand quickly. "I thought you knew. I thought my mom told you...I thought that's why we were so close." Brianna shakes her head as vampires grab people.

"We're close because you're my half-brother," I'm pulled away from her. "We'll be okay, Jesse. I promise." I struggle against the vampire holding me and grab her hand again. The vampire holding her knocks her out.

"BRIANNA!" I yell, feeling something for once and then black out. I look around to see the fucking beach and the others. St Clair's talking about himself then asks me if I'm okay and about my prophecy. " It's too late...They kidnapped me, my sister and our friends. My Guardians aren't here yet and I'm worried for everyone I care about. Please for the love of God, get here quickly. When I got here, they were pulling my sister away from me." Jade takes my hand like I took Brianna's.

 "We'll get there as fast as we can," I don't believe her but nod. "I'll get my boyfriend to run there and help you out." I nod again and someone claps behind us. I turn to see a little girl who points at us and I feel like I'm being craved into again. I wake up covered in my own blood and hands tied in front of me with rope. AJ's beside me, looking scared.

"Are you okay?" I just give her a look. "You randomly blacked out an hour ago and woke up covered in blood. I think asking if you're okay is justified," I lift my shirt up and see another name carved into my chest. "Why are there names carved into your chest and how is this the first time I'm pretty sure you've mentioned it?" I fake a smile.

"I'll ask the others next time I go to sleep," I drop my shirt. "And telling your sister who's already freaked out about the chance you'll die that you have names carved into your chest that randomly appeared while you were in the shower would make her freak out more. I may have some psychopathic tendencies doesn't mean I'd do that to Brianna...She's all I got." AJ smiles at me, taking my hand gently.

"You've got me too. You've got Darling, Vince and Robbie too," I don't look at her as the pain goes away. "You won't lose Brianna. The vampires know she's the only reason you're here." I nod, not bothering to lie and smirk as I work on the ropes around my wrists.

"Do you remember when we were younger and I had that magic show?" AJ nods, obviously confused. "Remember my signature trick?" She starts to smile and I lean close to her ear. "I just move my wrists like so," The rope comes off and AJ grins about to do the same as someone unlocks the door. I quickly wrap the ropes around my wrists and wait. The door opens and I drop the rope in surprise. "Dad?" My dad smiles at me as he steps aside to reveal two other people, both girls. "Jamie... And...I'm sorry, I don't know you to be surprised about you being here." The other girl grins showing fangs.

"My name is Cordelia Lexington," She has an English accent and her last name seems familiar. I lift up my shirt and look at Ephraim Lexington. "That is my twin brother. I am going to be playing around in that pretty little head, prophesied. Your little friends won't know what hit them." She points at me and I black out.

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