Bad dream

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Surprisingly, everyone let us go alone. Dante hugged Jade for so long that Maria had to pull him away. I drive us in my car which surprisingly still has gas and a running engine. I smile at my car lovingly while the others look distressed.

"I still can't believe Harry still runs. It's crazy," Harry was a green van with one working seat belt. Jade looks the least distressed with the working seat belt. "Everyone okay?" Mickey looks up from his knees briefly.

"Do I look o-fucking-kay?" I pull the brake as a dog runs across the road and Mickey hit his head. "I miss seat belts." St Clair holds onto the ceiling handle and holds onto his glasses.

"At least if we die in a crash, you'll probably die first," I glare at him in the mirror. "What? He feels better, right?" Mickey nods as Mad yells.

"Watch out!" I crash into a thrown mailbox and it just misses Winter's head. "Vampires! Guns out." I can't reach my gun and a vampire touches my head. I wake up in my room to notice a girl beside me. Juliet, your girlfriend. A voice whispers. I get up without waking her and go into the kitchen. Dad's making pancakes with mom playing music and Jamie reads, clearly waiting.

"Hey Hesse, is Juliet awake? We're supposed to be picking up our dresses," I shrug as Juliet walks in fully dressed. "Let's go. Tell Vince that he's picking us up at six." I nod as dad hands me pancakes and something doesn't feel right. Where's...Two people I can't remember. I think as I eat the pancakes and Welcome To The Black Parade plays. AJ and Brianna...This isn't real, not with them not here. I wake up and see piles of dead vampires around me. Mickey looks relieved.

"We were worried that you wouldn't wake up," I frown, getting out of Harry. "Those vampires are apparently the worst. They make you dream your heart's desire as far as the others have told me." I frown even more as we walk over to the others.

"But mine was flawed. I think my heart's desire is no vampires and no car accident," Mickey nods, confused. "But without them...My mom wouldn't have found Brianna and I wouldn't have met her or AJ." Jade smiles at me.

"You love AJ, right?" I hate people assuming how I feel, it's true but still. "I'd tell her before it's too late. Dead or alive, she should know that you feel that for her. Dead or alive meaning you."  I rub the back of my neck, sighing.

"Was any of your dreams flawed? Flawed in a way you'd hate it?" They shake their heads and I blink. "All of your dreams were perfect?" Jade smiles at me sadly.

"My entire family was alive and I was marrying Kyle...A normal life. What we all want," She frowns at Winter. "Except Winter who wanted to be in a famous band." Mad sighs, shrugging.

"Even though this is a lovely chat, we need to hurry. Can anyone hijack a car?" We shake our heads and she grins. "Good because I can." I frown.

"Why am I not surprised?" She winks, walking to a cab and I look at the others, confused. "I barely know her, seriously, why am I not surprised?" Winter grasps my shoulder.

"Because it's Mad," Mad drives the cab over to us. "I'll speed run ahead and warn you of any trouble." She speed runs away and I stare at where she was.

"Winter was a vampire? Was anyone else a vampire?" St Clair shows me a little bit. "How can someone be a little bit vampire?" I get into the cab and St Clair sighs, rubbing his neck.

"My dad was apparently Kazimir, Jade's head vampire," I point at Kazimir's name on my ribs and he nods. "But there's nothing noticeably vampire about me and I've actually become a shapeshifter since I died but before I died I was turned into a half vampire."  Mickey shakes his head, looking tired.

"Our lives are unbelievably fucked up, aren't they?" We all nod and he puts his head against the window. "Wake me up if we're about to be murdered by vampires or crazy people." He falls asleep immediately and Jade looks at him thoughtfully.

"I wish he wasn't right," I nod as she shrugs off her jacket to cover him. "My life's so fucked up that I don't regret killing my granny...Who was also Mickey's granny," She frowns at him. "I regret it now for some reason." The look on her face reminds me of Brianna whenever she had to look after me.

"Because he never got to meet her," I say as we near the TCL and she frowns at me. "You're regretting it because he's your brother and he never met her. I felt the same because Brianna never got to meet Jamie." We park and I get out first. There's some sort of scarecrow in front of it and a freshly woken Mickey looks terrified.

"That means that there's a newly made vampire in there," I look at him, confused. "My boyfriend was turned into a vampire and they hung his first drink and kill outside...It was my mom." Jade walks towards the scarecrow...the corpse and screamed.

"CARTER!" Mad ran forward and caught her as Jade's knees collapsed beneath her. Winter appears, looking sadly at Jade and whoever Carter was.

"I was trying to find you to warn you," I walk forward and hold Jade's shoulder. "I'm going to run him over to the others. I'll be back." Jade nods at her.

"Thanks, Winter," Winter takes Carter off the cross and speed runs away. "Carter was our dad's partner when he was a cop...Before my mom was killed the first time. He was going to marry Winter's mom." The TCL doors open and Tom walks out with Cordelia beside him.

"I see you saw Brianna's snack, then," I run forward without thinking about anything but the word snack and punch him in the nose. Blood gushes out of it but Tom doesn't even flinch. "Still fighting I see but can you show mercy?" Tom nods towards St Clair. "That's St Clair Young." Cordelia looks at St Clair and I blink between them, they look too alike to be aunt and nephew. Cordelia smiles at St Clair...Like Brianna smiles at me.

"Hello St Clair, my real name's Anya Kuznetsov," Her English accent becomes full American and Jade loses the slight colour in her face when Anya says her last name. "I'm your twin sister. Kazimir was my father as well." I blink at her.

"Wait, if you're not the head vampire, who the fuck is?" The doors open again and a man with black hair and red eyes who looks familiar.

"Hello, I am the head vampire," He smiles at Jade who frowns at him. "Jaden Wolfe? I am Dante and Maria's father, Ezio. I hear my grandchild is conceived." What the actual fuck?

VampwoodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora