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I'm not on the creepy ass beach. I wish I was on the creepy ass beach since Cordelia is in the cell she killed my sister in. She smiles at me.

"Hello Jesse, have you decided to join me yet?" I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh well, I decided to check. Tell Jade and Dante congratulations on the baby." Before I can say anything, I'm on the creepy beach with Jade.

"Fuck," I mutter, sitting on a rock and Jade frowns at me, sitting on a nearby rock. "Cordelia hijacked me to her before I got here and told me to tell you congratulations on the baby." Jade goes a lot paler than usual.

"I think we've got a traitor. Possibly Josh or maybe Tom," I frown as the others appear. "I told everyone after you went to set up your tent and it seems logical that it's them. They've betrayed prophesied before. Josh betrayed St Clair and got his half brother killed. Tom betrayed Serafina and had her killed hours after her son died." I shake my head, rubbing my forehead.

"She has messed with my head, maybe she saw into my head when she asked me if I had joined her," The others sigh, Mad lying down on the sand. "So, did Alessandra come back?" Jade shakes her head and St Clair skips rocks into the ocean.

"Maybe Alessandra told Cordelia. She had five kids and could probably tell," Jade shakes her head, looking angry. "I know you two have started using each other to remember your mom and her daughter Maria but she has betrayed people in the past." Mad sits up and gives them a look.

"For Dante. That kid is Dante's as well as Jade's, she wouldn't betray us," A weird guy suddenly appears and I'm the only one freaking out. "Hey, Time. Here to kill two twelve year olds again?" Mickey touches Mad's shoulder and points at me.

"Jesse's confused about Time," Mickey turns to me and thinks hard. "Time, can you explain who and what you are? I don't think I can." Time sighs, looking ageless.

"I was one of the original prophesied until I died which made me Time," I nod slowly, somewhat understanding. "I am basically Death but also Life since normal people only see me at the start and end of life. The two thirteen year olds that Madison referred to was St Clair's little brother and the little brother's boyfriend who both willingly gave their lives for St Clair but they blame me." I slowly nod again.

"Okay...I think I get it," I smile at Time even though I don't like him that much. "I'm assuming you came to tell us something, not get labelled as a killer of twelve year olds and have to give me your entire life story." Time nods and sighs sadly.

"One of your friends has betrayed you...Perhaps a Guardian, I am not sure." I wake up as AJ walks into my tent.

"Hey Jesse, you okay?" I nod, rubbing my eyes and she sits beside me. "Can I sleep here? I can hear everyone having sex." I nod again until I notice her fringe is going to the left not the right and shake my head.

"If you're going to kidnap me, you didn't have to look like my best friend," Fake AJ looks confused and I sigh. "The fringe is the wrong way. Nice try though," Fake AJ rolls her eyes and becomes the last person I'd expect. "Tom?" Tom grabs me by the throat and lifts me off the ground.

"I had to make a deal. I would be sorry if you weren't a dick," I really don't like this guy. "In case you're thinking of fighting...I have AJ and Brianna. Go to the TCL Chinese Theatre before midnight with all the prophesied or they die." He drops me and I fall.

"Wait!" I look for him, breathing hard but he's gone. I run into the house and into AJ's room. "AJ!" I run into Brianna's room as people open their doors. "BRIANNA!" Jade touches my shoulder, wearing Dante's shirt.

"Jesse, tell me what happened," I tell her exactly what happened and she nods. "Mad, Winter, Mickey, St Clair, get changed. We have a Costa and a De Luca to save," I blink, surprised and Jade smiles at me. "Us prophesied are family which makes the two of them our family." I hug her, feeling something I hadn't felt since before the car accident.

"Thanks. It's nice to have family," I pull away awkwardly and point up. "I'm going to go and put clothes on that aren't PJs. Yes, I say PJs." I walk back to the roof and get changed as quickly as possible. Vince is standing outside my tent when I get out.

"Hey Jesse...Can we talk?" I nod, kneeling down to tie my laces. "I've been dating Brianna...Sort of. I'll stop if you don't want us to date." I snort, trying not to smile.

"Vince, if I didn't want you two to date, I would've told you to stop last year when I found out," He pales and I try not to laugh. "She hid pregnancy tests in the toilet tank with Darling's weed and m-someone's copies of Gallagher Girls. It was easy to put two and two together since you've always liked each other." Vince smiles at me knowingly.

"Like you and AJ," I open my mouth to lie but he waves a hand to stop me. "Dude, you may have been emotionless but you love her...Which is why you called for AJ before Brianna." I cross my arms, nodding at the roof door.

"AJ's room is closest from here," Vince shakes his head, clearly fed up. "Besides, even if I did love her...I'm just feeling emotions. She deserves better than me," He gives me a look and I sigh. "Maybe I do but doesn't change anything." Vince grabs my shoulder.

"AJ loves you, you love her," I look at the sunrise. "It changes everything. You can be together." I smile sadly at him, walking towards the door.

"Not if I die...Which is pretty likely. I can't tell her I love her just to die." I go downstairs to go save the two people I care about the most.

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