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We don't speak. AJ knows that I'll not listen anyway. I'm crying hard now and the door opens. Jamie stands there, alone and I don't look at her.

"Jesse? Please look at me," I ignore her, still crying. "Jesse, I'm getting you out of here. Apparently, I can take your place and I want to. It says that a Costello has to die...It doesn't say it has to be you...It was almost me." I look at her finally.

"I don't want you to die for me," She smiles at me. "Because you're already dead. My sister is dead," Her smile drops, making my heart ache. "You aren't Jamie, she wouldn't have stayed away from me. She would've told me she was okay...To tell me I didn't lose her." Jamie takes my hand and I realise we're not so alike now as I pull my hand away. Hurt flashes in her eyes.

"I'm still me. Dante Romano and your Guardians are outside," She pulls me up against my will and helps AJ up. "Dad's distracting Cordelia so you can escape. Go, Hessie." I want to cry again as I leave with AJ and look at Jamie.

"Thanks, Jammie," She nods, sitting where I was moments ago. "Can't you come with us?" Jamie shakes her head, tears going down her face.

"I wish I could but me dying for my twin and the rest of humanity...I want a hero complex," I start to cry again. "Go, quickly. You don't have much time." AJ pulls me after her and I still want to cry. AJ shoves me in front of her.

"Jesse, I know this hard but you need to move," I follow her numbly and she pushes me into a hall. "I know you aren't used to emotions and you're feeling a lot, most of which would make people curl into a ball. Please, hurry up," She kisses me quickly, making me slightly pissed and feel something in the pit of my stomach. "Just to make you stop wanting to cry. Hurry." Brianna and the others appear with a guy with black hair and a tan. The guy nods at me.

"I am Dante Romano, Jade's boyfriend," I nod, following him as he hurries us along. "Your Guardians are outside under some blankets," I look back at where Jamie is. "Jesse, I need you to listen. Your...Someone is risking their life for you, do not waste it...Like I did." I hurry up, not wanting to kill my sister while another one dies. We end up outside to see two people under blankets trying to break into a bus...Sorry, two vampires trying to break into a bus. AJ rolls her eyes and hurries forward to help the vampires. Brianna squeezes my hand quickly. AJ holds open the door and waves us over quickly. We run and get in quickly. I sit alone near the back and glare at AJ when she tries to go near me. Brianna sits beside me with a raised eyebrow.

"What the fuck is up with you and AJ?" I don't answer, the words echoing in my head,  we hit you. "Jesse, let me help you guys. What happened?" I look at AJ, rubbing the back of my neck.

"The head vampire made her tell me how she feels," Brianna covers her mouth. "After she gave me back my emotions...To top it off, she made AJ remember that it's her fault that the car accident happened which made me emotionless in the first place." Brianna's eyes kinda pop out of her head.

"That sounds like...Hell. I don't know how to react or feel," My bitch face comes out and she winces. "Sorry. I don't know if I should get pissed at her or the head vampire. I'm going to go talk to her." I roll up my jacket and close my eyes, hoping that everyone would leave me alone. Someone sits beside me.

"Leave me the fuck alone," I open my eyes to see Dante with a candy bar. "Leave the candy and me alone. I'm not in the mood for some Italian guy to whine to." Dante shrugs with a bright set of teeth.

"I was a licenced therapist in the fifties," I give him a look while eating the candy. "I have never shocked anyone, gay or otherwise. I always had to leave because I never age...Well, I used to never age. You want to talk, you can talk to me or maybe your sister." I nod as a flash of pain goes through my head and I can't see Dante anymore. I can see Cordelia who's smiling right at me.

"Hello Jesse, I decided to break you prophesied spirits and make you want to join me," Doubt it, bitch. Cordelia moves me in front of a mirror and I'm staring at Jamie...No. "This is only happening because your friend St Clair killed my brother. You are going to feel what I felt as he died...Feel her last breaths." Cordelia rams her hand into Jamie's chest and I scream, feeling everything. Dante grabs my shoulders and is speaking but I can't hear him, I can only hear Jamie's last thought, Goodbye Hessie...I love you

"JAMMIE!" I scream as I feel her last breath and two people are hugging me tightly. I cry into AJ's shoulder, forgiving her and hug Brianna with one arm. "Don't ever die on me, Brianna. Promise me. None of you ever fucking die on me. I can't handle it." Brianna wipes away a tear.

"I promise I'll try but...You know I can't one hundred percent promise that," I nod, still crying into AJ's shoulder. "You lost her twice." Brianna whispers and I pull away from AJ, wiping away my tears.

"I forgive you, AJ. You were just a little kid," AJ takes my hand and squeezes it, sending warmth through me. "We can talk about what Cordelia forced you to say after we kill her. Is that okay?" AJ gives me a sad smile.

"I'm okay with waiting," Brianna moves back to her seat and AJ takes out her gun. "Sleep and tell the others what happened. I'll protect you." I fall asleep, feeling surprisingly safe.

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