Nice to meet you in real life

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St Clair and Jade smile at me on the beach as I sit on a rock, crying.

"My twin sister died...Again," Jade hugs me while St Clair awkwardly rubs my back. "That bitch Cordelia killed her because you killed her brother. She made sure I felt everything since she thought I'd join her side." St Clair sighs, sitting on a rock beside me.

"Her brother was going to kill himself," I frown at him, wiping away my tears furiously. "I helped him for him answering a question for me. I asked him who killed my brother and I made sure he ended in the same place as my sister," I don't understand what he means by 'same place' but leave it be. "We'll be there soon." I open my eyes as we reach our house and one of the guardians stands at the front of the bus.

"Hi, I'm Tom Flack," He sounds Irish so I think he's Irish. "I know you're probably shaken up but it's going to be...Not okay but better than it has been." AJ snorts quietly.

"At least he's honest," I nod and realise my hand is on her thigh and move it. "You're very touchy when you're asleep, even when you're convening with the other prophesied." Tom clears his throat and I notice he's right beside us.

"Hi, you're Jessie?" He asks AJ and I give him a 'bitch please' look. "I know you're Jesse, I was trying to be funny before I give you possibly the hardest one of the loopholes," AJ takes my hand. "You have to show a vampire mercy. Killing family members is hard but not killing a vampire who deserves it is the hardest to me." I frown at him.

"Does that mean I can't kill that bitch Cordelia?" Tom shrugs and walks away. "I think this would be harder if I didn't have emotions. When I didn't have emotions, I didn't really understand emotions and wouldn't understand what mercy is." We get off the bus before I realise we're still holding hands and let go. Three buses pull up and Dante grins at one as it opens.

"Jade," He runs and hugs Jade who looks really happy. "Amore mio mi sei mancato. How was the trip?" Jade says something I, thankfully, don't hear before walking over to me, hand stretched out.

"Jesse, it'd be nice to meet you in person if we weren't about to have a shit couple of days," I shake her hand and I feel very happy. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say my boyfriend has analysed your mind?" I try to smile at her.

"He tried to but I felt my twin die and was too busy feeling emotional pain for the first time since I was five," The other prophesied come off the bus and I blink at Winter who isn't in a wheelchair. "I thought you were in a wheelchair. Why didn't you correct me?" Winter shrugs with a grin.

"I wanted to see your reaction...I'm kinda disappointed," She waves at my friends. "Hi, I'm the prophesied Costa. Who's my cousin?" AJ smiles and waves.

"I'm AJ. Congrats, you've got your first emo cousin," Winter pulls a face. "I'm not the first emo one?" Winter smiles, glancing at two guys who look incredulous.

"These two seem emo but you're definitely the first girl emo cousin," Winter ducks two blows to the head. "Hey! I was disabled a couple of days ago." St Clair puts his arm around an emo girl with yellow dip dye.

"Doesn't mean you can be an ass to your cousins," I awkwardly walk away with AJ beside me but hear St Clair say something that almost makes me freeze. "Wow, that AJ really likes him, right?" I avoid looking at AJ and she touches my shoulder.

"I meant to say earlier but sorry about kissing you," I glance at her, feeling something strange, probably awkwardness which is strange with her. "You clearly didn't want to kiss me so I'm sorry." She walks away and Mickey appears beside me.

"You like her," I frown at him, feeling awkward. "You're showing an obvious attraction downstairs," I frown at my crotch in realisation. "Be with her, what's the harm?" I glance at him sadly, wondering about the awkwardness with AJ.

"She's my sister's best friend and I don't think I can show mercy which means I'm probably going to die," I walk inside and go up to my room to find Mad there. "Mad, what are you doing here? Aren't you guys doing a roll call of relatives?" Mad shakes her head and nods at the en suite.

"My boyfriend needed to pee and Brianna said it was okay to use this room," I shrug and lie down on my bed. "Are you okay apart from the dead twin?" I shrug, staring at my ceiling. "Want to talk about it?" I shrug for the third time.

"Mickey's just got into my head about something," She sits beside me and pokes my stomach. "He thinks I like the closest thing I have to a best friend who technically caused me not to feel emotions for thirteen years and was forced to tell me she was in love with me." Mad lies beside me, feet on my wall.

"Well, since you're experiencing emotions for the first time since you were five...Mickey's not right," I sit up, looking at her with raised eyebrows. "Nevermind, Mickey's right. You look angry at the thought that you don't like her but you should wait before telling her anything." I push her feet up so I can get passed.

"I don't feel anything for her," I leave the room as Mad's boyfriend leaves the en suite and go outside to see AJ smiling at Tom the way she smiles at me. Something in my chest squeezes at the sight and turn away. "I feel everything for her." I whisper to myself. I go to the roof and start shooting beer bottles, wishing I still felt nothing until the sun went down.

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