Chapter 13

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After spending the 3 days locked in the hotel room, I had to check out, due to fact that’s all I paid for. I put my toiletries into my bag and went to lobby to check out. The original plan was for Karen and Geoff to pick me up from the train station now, I had no idea. I needed to get my stuff back but I really didn’t want to go there, I mean what would they think of me. What did Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn think of me? This was a massive mess.

I boarded the train and decided I would just call Karen and Geoff and ask if they could drop my stuff at the train station. The phone rang twice before Ruth answered, great.

“Hey Ruth, its Cleo,” I said nervously.

“Oh Cleo where are you? We are all so worried, not to mention Liam he is going out of his mind.” She said in a rushed tone. I struggled to not burst into tears as she mentions Liam’s name.

“Um could you please just drop my stuff at the train station,” I said weakly hoping she would agree to it, I was wrong.

“Cleo I don’t know what happened but the fact that we have called over a hundred times and you haven’t answered worries me, I’m not letting you go when you are like this. Cleo I care about you, we all care about you. Please just come home, I couldn’t live with myself if you did anything stupid.”

Her words comforted me for a second, but then reality hit again. It was my fault Liam cheated on me, and no matter how much I love him, nothing is going to change the fact that our relationship moved way to fast, I mean I moved in with him after a week. A tear rolled down my cheek and I whispered into the phone, “Ruth, Liam cheated on me,” The other end went silent.

“Cleo, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’ll drop your things at the train station right now, where are you?”

“I’m about to roll into the station now,”

“Ok I’ll be there in 10 minutes max,” with that the line went dead. I got up off my seat and walked off the train. I walked towards the info desk and got a ticket to go back to Brighton, and walked towards the front entrance where I was tackled into a huge bear hug. When I pulled away I saw Liam standing there with my bags in his hand. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks and his eyes were all red and puffy. He’d been crying.

I walked over to him and snatched my bags away from him but not before he could grab my wrist and spin me around so I was now facing him.

“Let go,” I hissed

“Please don’t do this I love you, Cleo I LOVE YOU,” He yelled the last bit out loud and people started staring. I looked around and stood on my tip toes and put my face really close to his and whispered,

“Do you, do you really love me?” I asked and backed away, he let go of my hand and I started walking to where my train was boarding, but not before I heard Ruth mumble “Someone should go with her,” and hear Liam agree.


I walked out of the train station to see Will there; his face was full of concern and sorrow. I dropped my bags and ran over to him and cried my eyes out in the middle of the parking lot. He rubbed my back and pulled me closer as the sobs got louder. Once I had calmed down he grabbed my bags and took me to his car. I jumped in the passenger seat and we drove away.

“How did you know I was coming home?” I asked breaking the awkward silence that was creeping in.

“Liam called, he was going crazy leo,” he said, using the my childhood nickname.

“I bet he didn’t tell you what he did though,” I muttered to myself hoping he wouldn’t hear.

“What did he do leo?” His voice was full of concern, the fact I broke down in his arm didn’t help the situation I was in right now though.

“He cheated on me Will,” I said. The car came to an abrupt stop as soon as the words left my mouth. Will pulled me into a tight hug until we were interrupted by car horns from behind us.

I took my phone out on the way home to clear some of voice mails, when the notice in the screen popped up, Mum was coming home today. It would have been sooner but they didn’t feel she was ready the first time, so she ended up being there for 3 months instead. I smiled at this thought, I got to see my mum again, I’d missed her so much over the past couple of months. It was funny how even though she treated my horribly I still missed. I really hope that she is back to the way she was before Dad died.

“We’re here,” Will said as he was about to get out of the car.

“No we have to go to my house Will, Mum comes home today,” He put his seat belt on and we kept going until we were approaching my house. I jumped out of the car and fumbled with the key in the door, she would be home by now. I wondered what she would be like, I wanted to see my Mum jumping up and down excited to see me, like I was.

As I walked in I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran over to her. She was lying in her own poor of blood and she was lifeless.  “MUM NOOOO!!! WAKE UP!!! PLEASE WAKE UP,” I screamed till I couldn’t breathe anymore. I started pulling chunks of my own her out and braiding it hers, so there was some of me on with her.

Will POV

I was getting Cleo’s bags out of my car, when I heard her scream. It wasn’t a surprised scream, it was one of those screams that sends shivers down your back, cause you know they’re bad. I sprinted inside to see her mum lying on the floor, blood covered her body. I quickly called an ambulance

“Emergency services, what do you require,” A ladies voice said through the phone.

“Ambulance,” I said quickly

“What are we dealing with?”

“We walked in the house she was laying in her own pool of blood,” I said quickly.

“Does she have a pulse?”

“I don’t know,” I bent down and grabbed Mrs Kings wrist trying to find a pulse. I couldn’t find it, I grabbed the other wrist and then tried her neck. Cleo’s screams became more frantic by the second. She was pulling more and more hair out and braiding it into her hair. I bent down and put my ear against her mouth, she wasn’t breathing.

“She doesn’t have a pulse,” I whispered into the phone.


The paramedics arrived shortly after to take Mrs King away. As soon as they arrived Cleo started screaming again. She lay on top of her mum and refused to get off her. I think she knew she was dead but was in denial.

The paramedics were trying to get her off her mum but were having no luck; Cleo would just scream back in their faces and tell them that she was not dead. In the end it took three police officers to pull her of her mother.

She was still screaming when the paramedics left and the police officers had given up on trying calming her down, so they left. It was just Cleo and me at the moment. She was still screaming and now punching holes in the wall. It scared me to see her like this. 

“Cleo, it’s alright, ok, everything is going to be ok,” I said calmly.

“No its not, I’m all alone, I have no family left and it’s my entire fault,” she said and punched another hole in the wall.

As Cleo punched walls again and again, I knew that there was only one person who could calm her down and as much as a was against the idea, I knew it was the right one. She needed Liam

Hey everyone,

i would like to thank everyone for your really nice comments about my story. I'm not sure about the part after Will calls the ambulance but anyway, your feedback would be really nice. I found out who the fake Niall horen is, it was one of my closest friends, she got a new phone and was tricking everyone. It was hilarious. This chapter is dedicated to @klos4ever because she likes standing up for nice people. I really admire people who do that, so vote and comment.xx :)

WIll is on the side------------------------>

Love Hurts (Liam Payne)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora