Chapter 14

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I've didicated this to CoOkIeLoVeR1 because she came up with Cliam, which i seriously hadn't given any thought to. So yeah please vote and comment. if you have twitter pleas efollow me @zoe4_eva caus ei only have like 8 or 9 followers. I promise I will follow you back. :)

Zayn’s POV

Harry and Lou were on one couch, Liam and me on another while Niall sat at a table eating something, but everyone was looking at Liam the same way, wanting an explanation. I had a horrible feeling in my gut; we should not have let Cleo go, not when she was that upset. I looked back up at Liam, he looked shocking. His eyes were all red and puffy and his cheeks had tear stains on them. He took a deep breath and started to explain.

“She was upset, I was talking to her, she started to cry, her boyfriend cheated on her, I took her out of the room and tried to cheer her up…”

“Wait Liam what are you on about, who cheated on who?” Niall asked with a confused expression on his face.

“Ashleigh,” we all nodded and he continued.

“I told her about how I used to practice kissing on the back of my hand and started doing it, and she laughed and kissed the back of her hand. She then said that I was a great kisser and flung herself on me, I pushed her back but Cleo was already in the room, she was already there, she didn’t know, she didn’t,” he whispered the last bit and tears were streaming down his face. I pulled him into a tight hug as he  cried on my shoulder, the rest of the boys were now crowded all around us and patting his back, and saying things like ‘I am so sorry mate’ and ‘she’ll come round’.

A week later  

Liam looked down at his watch again, it was like the fifth time he had done it in the last minute, it was so annoying.

“Liam stop looking at you damn watch, it’s the same as it was before,” Thank god Lou said something and I turned back to watching Harry beat Niall in COD. Liam’s phone started ringing and he quickly picked it up.

“Will… what…oh no…. is that her…. I’m coming” Liam said as his face became more panicked by the second. He hung up and raced out of the living. Everyone stopped what they were doing and chased after him.

“What happened Li?” I yelled as we kept running out of the building.

“I have to get to Brighton, now,” he said frantically running to what I presume a train station. We all followed him.

“Stay here, I’ll be back before the live show,” and with that he jumped into a taxi and was gone.

Liam’s POV

 The train was coming into the station at Brighton; I stood up and made my way to the door. As soon as it opened I ran out of the station as fast as I could, looking frantically for a taxi. I spotted one by the huge tree across the road and raced over and told him Cleo’s address.

I couldn’t believe this had happened to her, she didn’t deserve this. She had already lost her Dad and I know how much that had affected her. Her whole life was torn apart; I can’t imagine what she would have gone through while he was in a coma and the funeral. And her mum just went to go and get help, she was going to be a proper mum again and she died.

The taxi stopped in front of her house and quickly paid the driver and sprinted into her house. Will opened the door. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the house. Everywhere I looked there were holes in the walls and there was a puddle of blood at the foot of the stairs. I searched the living room for her then the Kitchen where I found her. She had black tear marks all down her face and her eyes were all red. Her white shirt had blood stains all down the front and her knuckles had no skin left on them.

I ran towards her and grabbed her wrist so she couldn’t punch the wall again. She turned around harshly and was about to yell at me- I knew the face she put on when she was going to yell- but stopped when she saw my face, instead she whispered “She’s gone.”  Fresh tears fell down her face and I pulled her body towards mine. She started sobbing and I pulled her in closer as she buried her head into my chest. I rubbed circles on her back as she started to calm down. I picked her up bridal style and carried her over to the bench where I put her down.  I wet the tea towel and started get some blood of her knuckles. She scrunched up her face every now and again and I always whispered sorry back to her. She would just give me a fake smile in return.

Will started to bandage up her left hand as I washed the blood of her right. After her hands were all bandaged up I carried her bridal style into her bedroom and lay her down on her bed. Cleo’s hand was gripping tightly to my shirt and she wouldn’t let go. “Please don’t leave me,” She whispered, and I took my shoes off and lay beside. She moved closer towards me and I put my arm around her as she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead and whispered “I’ll never leave you baby.”

Love Hurts (Liam Payne)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ