Chapter 2

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I was awoken by the sun through the kitchen window; I must have fallen asleep on the bench. I quickly washed up the dishes from last night and went up into the bathroom. I made the mistake of looking in the mirror instead of hopping straight in the shower. My hair looked like a birds nest. It was all tangled up and had bits of pizza all through it. My eyes were all red and had huge black bags underneath them. My foundation was definitely getting used today.

I had a quick shower and put on my short shorts and favourite purple singlet top, it felt like it was a million degrees today. I then put a thick layer of foundation on and some mascara on. I walked to my room and put the radio on. Don’t worry be happy by Guy Sebastian came on. I love that song so I turned the volume up to the full and started to sing along, “AND YOU DON’T KNOW WHICH WAYS UP, DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY!!!’

I wasn’t the best singer in the world but I didn’t care. Unfortunately mum did. She stormed into the room and pick up the radio and threw hard onto the ground and landed with a horrendous noise. Tiny pieces of the radio flew everywhere.

“Don’t you ever think about anyone else but yourself?” She screamed at me.

“Me care about myself. You’re the one who goes out every night wastes all your money some stupid game.” I screamed back at her. I don’t usually talk back to her but she asked for it.

“How dare you!!!! I’m the only reason you exist and—“

“Well I wish I didn’t exist”

Suddenly a strong hand hit my face, it then hit the other side of my face. It felt like a million sharp pieces of glass cut into my skin. It hurt that much I didn’t even notice that I was crying until I saw my reflection in the window.

I stormed out of the house, I couldn’t be there. I have no idea where I’m going but anywhere away from here sounds good. I started to run. It felt like it was the fastest I’ve ever ran in my life. Until my breathing became heavy and I was struggling to get air into my lungs.

I walked for a while then, trying to get my breathing under control. I still had no idea where I was going.

The sound of the ocean was calming so I followed it. I took my thongs off and started walking across the sand, still following the sound of the ocean. I could feel the icy cold water touch my toes then my feet and ankles. I didn’t stop walking towards the sound of the ocean. I guess I didn’t actually realise what I was doing until the cool water touched my hips. I had waded out to waist deep, what was I thinking? I looked around to see if anyone had noticed me. I must have looked like a complete nut case.

After I was out of the water and sitting on the sand, I decided to let the sun dry my wet legs and hoped that if all of my shorts were wet no one would notice. I swear I had just been sitting there a minute when someone from behind me said, “Hey” It was definitely a males voice. I looked around trying to see who he was talking to. I then realised it was me.

 “Hey, sorry for the late reply I thought you were talking to someone else.” I replied quickly as I got up off the sand. Unfortunately the sand had stuck to my shorts because they were wet.

“Did you forget to bring your togs?” He said cheekily.

“Um, yeah” He thought it was because I was hot. That was good, I’ll go with that.

“So now your wet do you want to come in with me again?? Or not whatever you prefer.” I looked up at him for like the first as he said. WOW!!! He was cute. He had brown wavy hair that is cut around his head with a side fringe and cute smile. I couldn’t help noticing the fact he had a six pack.

“Um, yeah sure, I’m mean it is like hot enough right,” I said back cheerfully.

“I’m Liam by the way” He said as he jumped over a mini wave.

“Cleo,” I replied as I jumped over many mini waves and waded out to where the bigger waves were. I managed to get past all the little ones but then there was a really big one, and being the height I am couldn’t manage to jump over it. I was then quickly washed away. I got up as quickly as I could, trying to do it gracefully at the same time.

“Cleo, Cleo, where are you????” Liam said worriedly as he was looking around. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. I really knew how to make a great first impression.

“Yeah I’m here” I yelled from behind him. He turned around and started to laugh. Great, I bet I was blushing even more now.

“Well don’t blame me for being short, it’s not my fault.” I whined as I quickly waded back to him. He was still laughing.

“So you live around??” he asked politely, properly trying to make conversation.

“Yeah but you obviously don’t, I would have remembered I cute looking guy like you.”

“Oh would you now” he said back in flirty voice. I was about to reply but it was cut short by my sudden realisation that a massive wave was coming. Liam must have realised this too ‘cause he grabbed my arm just as it hit me. My legs lifted off the sand and he tightened his grip around my wrist.

“You know you were the only reason that I’m not sitting at the shore right now” I said as soon as the wave had gone.

“Yeah, I know I saved your life” he said sarcastically and like he was a super hero at the same time. I couldn’t help but start laughing. He laughed as well.

Love Hurts (Liam Payne)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon