Chapter 16

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I was currently sitting on the Payne’s couch waiting for Liam and the boys to perform. “Honey, do you want a drink or anything?” Karen’s voice rang through my ears.

“Um no thanks” I said dryly. I didn’t mean to sound like I do. I want to sound like I used to, but whenever anything came out of my mouth it sounded wrong.

“And next we have ONE DIRECTION” the TV presented said and the boys bounced onto the stage and started singing. I can’t deny it, they are amazing. I started bopping my head to the music, while Karen and Geoff had the biggest smiles on their faces. After they finished I immediately voted for them, like I did every week and walked out of the room. I hoped Liam hadn’t been affected by being with me at the beginning of the week, but it didn’t look like it, which was good. I would never forgive myself if I jeopardised his career.

I changed into my pyjamas and lay down letting sleep surround me.


 I looked into the person in front of me eyes; they were filled with anger and betrayal. Then it hit me, it was mum.

“How dare you?” she screamed, again and again. “You left me there! You knew I needed your help, you knew! Instead you left me for dead, I was left there to lying on the floor, dying and no one helped, you were meant to be there,” 

 I jolted straight up, my whole body drenched with sweat. She was right, every word was correct. I was here while she was dying on my floor.  I sat as I let the tears fall.


Lou was sitting there with a beer, while the rest of us were drinking soft drink in the back corner. We should be celebrating, we just found out we were in the finals, it was one step closer to becoming our dream careers, but all I could think about was Cleo. I needed to know if she was ok. Mum said she was alright, but I had to see for myself. I had a feeling that Mum was just saying that to make me feel better about leaving her.

 Simon walked over to us and started giving us a weird look. “You boys should be celebrating,” He said.

“Not really in the mood,” I said and the others nodded in agreement. He sighed and looked towards the ceiling. We were all watching him intensely; we knew that’s what he did when he was thinking.

“OK fine you can see her, you have 2 days then you must be back, do you hear me boys?” I stared at him with my open in shock. I couldn’t believe he was letting us see Cleo.

“Yes Sir,” Lou said and we all ran towards the house to get our stuff so we could leave tonight.

2 hours later

“I hope the key still the same,” I whispered to myself as we walked up to the door.

“If it isn’t Liam, I’m going to kill you, it freackin freezing out here,” Zayn complained. I chuckled nervously. We all snuck into the warm house, cause it was like 2 in the morning and crashed on the couch.

“Do you want anything?” I whispered. They all shook their heads. I nodded and crept towards Cleo’s room. As I got closer I could hear sobs.  I quickened my pace and opened the door, to see her tangled up in blankets and tears streaming down her face. I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my chest.  Harry came in and rubbed her back as she continued to cry. She started to calm down by the time Lou, Niall and Zayn were in the room. “I miss her” She whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. “I know you do,” I replied as I embraced her again. She was then passed around so all the boys could hug her and she came back to me.

We sat there silently for a while until Lou spoke up, “Cleo have you done anything, you know like a funeral or a memorial or anything?” I was surprised by his words, it was the most mature I have seen him ever.

“No, she never wanted a funeral,” she said looking down.

“I have an idea then,”

(Play Music Now)

Half an hour later we were all surrounded the coffee table where there was a photo Cleo’s mum, surrounded by different sizes of candles, a white rose from the garden and a necklace that Cleo’s mum gave her.

“Mum, I know we didn’t always get along but when we did it was magical. Remember the time when Dad was asleep on the couch and we painted his nails and put makeup all on him, remember his face.” She chuckled. “And the time we went to the beach and you and Dad buried me and gave me a mermaid tail. Or the time we went skiing, you held me hand so I wouldn’t fall over,” Cleo spoke; she then took a deep breath and continued. “ When you told me you were going to rehab, I couldn’t believe it, I was getting my old mum back, I’ll always love you, always and forever. I promise I’ll make you proud, you and dad. I love you more than the moon and back.” She whispered as tears streamed down her face, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it a single tear rolled down my cheek. Harry grabbed her other hand he also had tears rolling down his cheeks. “Good bye Mum, I’ll miss you,”

I'm soo sorry that I haven't uploaded sooner, I had a lot of stuff going on, and it just kept slipping my mind. Anyway I hope you like this chapter. Also the best comment will get the next chapters dedication. VOTE and COMMENT xoxox

Love Hurts (Liam Payne)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon