Chapter 15

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Thank you everyone for reading and voting and commenting it means a lot. This chapter is all over the place and properly one of the worst but i wanted get the message across that Cleo was hurting. So please leave comments because it means a lot. Oh an the best comment will get a deication in the next chapter. Oh and on the side is Will and Cleo, imagine this photo in like a frame in Cleo's room.

I rolled over and collided with a body. “Morning,” the body said groggily, I looked up to see Liam. “Morning,” I replied with absolutely no emotion what so ever. His concerned eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. I unwrapped his arm from around my body and went into the bathroom. I stripped and turned the tape on, hopping in immediately. The cold water hit my skin but I didn’t care. I washed my hair and my body and hoped out, holding my towel around my body and walking back into my room. I put on jeans and a hoodie and started walking down the stairs.

I had only walked down the first couple of stairs when my Mother’s dried up blood came into view. I froze, I felt sick, this shouldn’t be happening. I closed my eyes tight and then reopened them. The blood stain was still there, I wasn’t dreaming. I felt like I was going to be sick, no I knew I was going to be sick. I raced down the stairs and into the nearest toilet when I threw up whatever was in my stomach.  As I continued to vomit I felt some one hold my hair back and rub my lower back. 

After I finished I flushed the toilet and allowed my weak body to fall into the persons arms. They lifted me up and carried me into the lounge room where I was placed the couch. I let the salty tears fall down my face as I lay there on the couch. Liam was sitting on the coffee table looking at me with nothing but worry and concerned on his face. He must have been the one who carried me to the couch. Will came in and handed me a glass of water and leant against the wall as he looked at me the same way Liam did.

I sculled the water and sat up, bringing my knees close to my chest. “The blood stains,” I whispered and both boys immediately went to clean it up, as I let more tears fall down my face. I hated being like this, I hated feeling so vulnerable. I hated seeing Will and Liam look at me like that. I hated the fact that my mother was gone. I hated that I was the surviving member of my family. But most of all I hated the fact that if I had been here and not in London visiting Liam and getting my heart broken this wouldn’t have happened.

That’s when something in my head clicked, why was Liam here and why was I getting so close to him again. I sat there confused as I thought about it and slowly became angrier. Angry at myself mainly, a little bit with Liam. Speaking or thinking of devil he walked back into the room. “Why are you here?” I asked a little more harshly then I intended. “Cleo I’m here ‘cause I love you and you need me, and I want you to know that I didn’t cheat on you. I was cheering her up by telling her an embarrassing thing about my past, and she came onto me,” I shook my head at him.

“She said you were a good kissing before I walked in and I heard kissing noises,” I stated. His face went bright red. Mine did as well, out of anger. What the hell would he be blushing right now if he didn’t have feelings for the plastic bimbo, she’s properly not a bimbo but still she was kissing my boyfriend?

“Cleo the embarrassing thing was I used to practise kissing you on the back of my hand, I started kissing the back of my hand, that’s when she said I was a good kisser then she pounced.” He said chuckling at the end. I looked at his eyes the whole time; I could tell he was lying. I felt horrible. I should have listened to him. I caused him pain. I felt like I was going to be sick again and I jumped off the couch and raced to the bathroom where I basically just threw up the water I just drank. Once again Liam was holding my hair and rubbing my back.

“Are you alright,” He whispered in my ear. I shook my head and stood up and walked back into the lounge room. I ruin lives, I ruined my mothers and now I’m ruining Liam’s, he should be back at the X-Factor house. It was the semi-finals this week, he should be there. I shouldn’t have dragged him into this mess.

“Cleo,” He said sympathetically as he sat down next to me. “It’s going to be alright, you are going to be alright, you are a beautiful girl, you are strong, you are amazing and I love you, I promise that everything will be alright.” He said. I didn’t do anything I just sat there and stared at the blank TV.

 “When was the last time you ate Cleo?” Liam asked me seriously. I started recalling the previous day’s activities.

“What’s the day?” I asked


“Sunday night,” I said as I continued to stare into the TV. He sighed beside me and got up and walked out of the room.

Liam’s POV

“Cleo please, just one bite, for me” I begged as she shook her head. She hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours, she needs to eat. I sighed in defeat, I had been begging for at least 30 minutes but it was no use, she wasn’t going to eat.

I walked back into the kitchen where Will was, “Any luck?” he asked, I simply shook my head and placed the plate of now cold food on the bench. He grabbed it and walked into the lounge room where she was and started to beg just as I had been previously doing. I hated seeing her like this. It was horrible, she should be living her life, having fun, and she shouldn’t have to be dealing with things like this.  


“Cleo honey, we are not trying to make you uncomfortable, we are just worried about you.” Will tried to explain, but she wasn’t listening. She got up and left the room. I looked at Will whose face looked how I felt. We both followed her and found her downing a vodka bottle. Before I had a chance to process what was going on, Will had the Vodka bottle and was questioning Cleo.

I took the chance while they were busy to call Mum. I dialled the number and in the first ring she picked up. “Liam what the hell are you doing you should be in London, what’s going on?” she asked me angrily.

“Cleo’s mum died Mum she’s not coping.”  The other end was silent.

“Whose there with you?”

“One of her school friends,”

“Ok put everything you can find that she might need in a suitcase,” She said sternly.

“Why, she hasn’t even had a funeral yet Mum,” I said.

“Have you asked her if she wants to do anything?”

“No but-“

“Ask her now,” I did what I was told and went back into the kitchen.

“Cleo, do you want to me to start planning a funeral for your mum?” I asked

“No, she wouldn’t want that,” She said.

“Are you sure?” I asked seriously.

“Yes,” I nodded and went back to Mum.

“You there, did you hear that?” I asked her.

“Yes ok, look I’m on my way. Liam I think the best thing we can do is take her away from that house. She can come back and live with us, plus social services will have to be notified. How would you feel if we became her legal guardians?” I was shocked by my Mothers words but totally agreed with her.

“Mum would you really do that?” I asked to make sure she was alright with it.

“Of course Liam she is like a daughter to me, now get ready, I’ll be there soon.” With that the line went dead and I went to start packing Cleo’s stuff up.

Love Hurts (Liam Payne)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora