The Royalty

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In the shadowed corridors of power, a sinister tale unfolds; it is a story of murder and ambition, of a woman who would stop at nothing to seize control of a kingdom.

Victoria Ala'Andria, known as Queen Victoria, held the reins of Mala'Ria'Falah'Dia, but her ascent to the throne was drenched in blood. She was no ordinary monarch, for her hands bore not just the stains of her deeds, but her entire body was marked by the gruesome path she had chosen.

She ruled with an arrogance that rivaled her haughtiness, believing herself untouchable in her dominion. Yet, within the opulent castle walls, her reign concealed a dark secret.

One fateful day, piercing screams echoed through the palace. A young filly, tormented by some unseen terror, cried out in anguish. Her distress tore through the tranquility of the kingdom, and a mare's voice, equally harsh, demanded silence.

A concerned guard, drawn by the horrifying sounds, rushed to the scene. He found the filly, her cries a heartrending plea for mercy, and the queen, seemingly indifferent to the torment.

As the guard confronted the queen, he reminded her of their shared blood, of their familial bond, and the responsibilities that came with her station. But Queen Victoria's arrogance remained unyielding, casting a chilling shadow over the castle and the kingdom she ruled.

The shrill cry of the filly pierced the air, reverberating through the dimly lit corridors of the castle.

Inside the fortress, a mare's commanding voice erupted in response, demanding silence.

The distressed filly continued her wails, her voice fraught with fear and desperation.

In swift reaction to the tumult, a vigilant guard, his expression a blend of shock and concern, sprinted towards the source of the commotion.

The filly's cries grew more desperate, her tearful pleas echoing, "NOOO!! STOP!!"

The perplexed guard, incredulous at the unfolding chaos, exclaimed, "What in the world?!"

He cried out in alarm once more, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is madness!"

Amidst the turmoil, the queen herself intervened, her voice exasperated, "She won't SHUT UP!"

The filly's shrieks continued unabated, creating a discordant symphony of distress within the castle's walls.

The bewildered guard, his nerves frayed, shouted desperately, "SHE HIT ME!!! SHE HIT ME!!!"

Summoning all his authority, he implored the queen, "Your Majesty!!! She is but a filly! You are a mature mare! You must not lay hands on her! You simply cannot!"

Undeterred by the pleas, the queen kept attacking her sister, leading her sister's own cries to join the chaotic chorus, "Ahhh!!"

The filly's voice, now trembling with anguish, implored, "I WANT MY MOMMY!!! I WANT MY MOMMA!!!"

With a chilling resolve, the queen declared, "She -- Is -- Dead & I am free to act as I please!!!!"

In response, the guard, torn between loyalty and disbelief, reminded her sternly, "You are her SISTER!!! And you are the Queen!!! Your actions bear consequences, and absolute power does not grant impunity!!"

In the midst of her tyranny, the question remained: would Victoria's thirst for power ultimately lead to her downfall, or would she continue to wield her dominion unchecked? The castle's walls held secrets, and only time would unveil the true extent of their darkness.


A Filly named Alexandria is sitting in her room with her aunt, she is pretty cheery. Her Filly aunt named Mjesečina is pretty much a cheery gal, currently. The Queen whose named Victoria Ala'Andria walks into the room eating a chicken bone, even though she is a horse.

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