Just Evil.

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That's all the Princess felt.

The Future Queen, a horse high on The Thought of Success,

She was.

She wanted to be a Queen, so bad.

And it just gave her a high, when she thinks about how she can get it done in so little hours.
She is so happy.

"Finally, I can be Queen!!"

She shouted, stomping her hooves one by one, saying.

"It's the best thing, I've ever done!! ahahaha!!" she started to laugh,

"I'm so happy that I did this!!"

then she laughed, again.

She is nuts.

The Future Queen Stands up onto her hooves, and she walked off the mattress, and then she flew using her great, big Wings and left to go find her Aunt.

She was going to be close to becoming Queen, she could see it!

She was crazy about it, thinking about all the great things about to happen.

I am going to be the Queen, f
Finally, I can do whatever I want, I can order anyone to do whatever I want, the possibilities are endless!!

Finally, I'm not bound by laws!

She laughed on the inside, she saw it, no, what I mean is - She literally saw it, the crowds of people cheering, and they were inexistent. They weren't real. Only figment hallucinations. Of her imagination, and she was so happy to see people happy for her, and they were all blue and green, but all of the other horses in their race didn't have their coat color, she was insane.

They aren't real
She was hallucinating, and no horse knew that she was, they couldn't see, her cray-grayness.

She landed in the hallway, she was shocked at what she is seeing, a priest. He stood in the way of every horse front of him. His back was turned to her. She walked into the throne room, she couldn't believe it.

I can't believe this many people, actually loved the Queen?Are they all...Grieving??

Now, surely, this was a mistake to
Her, the Queen was no horse to love, To her, so, why do they look sad at all????

She walks up to them, she asked them what was happening, and the priest told her, "They've found your mother on the ground, they think she's dead. She bleeds out. She might of fell."

And with false tears, she started to scream. "Noooo!!!"

She made it believable, somehow. She looked genuinely, and deeply devastated, and sad,
In her head, she was completely justified, she wanted to be Queen, her Mother would not let her be Queen until she was a Young Adult, so, she "had" to.

She was so "devastated" and "hurt", they all believed her, and one even came out to console her. After a few seconds, she pushed off the filly that consoled her, and continued on to keep up her lie, she did it, so she would be more convincing, all the while, the hallucinations kept cheering her on, congratulating her. She tricked her subjects into thinking that she was the victim of the brutal murder, having her mother taken away from her, at a young age. She wasn't. She was a psychopath and a murderer. Not worthy of the throne that she now, has.

She is a wretched horse.

But, lucky for her aunt, there were too many horses in the castle, they were everywhere. When she ran out, there were horses in almost all of the rooms, even in her aunts!!

This is terrible!! What have I done?! Now I can't kill her! Not here! Not Now!!
She thought, flying away from the last room she had visited at fast rates of Speed
"What am I gonna do?!"

"What do you mean?"

The Priest said.

She stopped in her tracks - The priest was there. She thought of the perfect lie to hide her thoughts - "I don't know what to do!! My mother is Dead! Dead!! I don't even have a mother, now! And it's all whoever killed her's fault!!!"

The priest looked at her and said "But, you have your relatives, and me. I will be there, if you ever need someone to talk to, and comfort you."

A little shocked - She was surprised, she never expected this response from a priest. Hmm... Maybe priests aren't as bad as they say, but, I still have to lie to him, because he's too good.

"I know... But, thank You..." She said, crying and sniffing with fake tears in her eyes.

She ran back to her room, unable to continue her plan, today, she ranted and screamed, and had started hitting the walls with her hooves, she was throwing a full-on tantrum, kicking the walls, and putting Big holes in them. Oh, well.

"Oh, well." I guess I'll just have to kill them all, tomorrow!! Those stupid peasants!!!

And then, she continued to hit the walls. The guards were in fear of what was happening in their, and one had run in theirs. "Your Majesty!! What is wrong?!" "IT IS NOTHING!!" SHE SHOUTED, "IT IS NOTHING WRONG, " SHE YELLED, "AT ALLLL!!"

And then, she took a rock that she had used her powers to pick up, and threw it at the Guard!

The Guard had Quickly Dodged that thing and ran off. "Wow!!"

The Guard yells, he has never seen her do something like that before in her life!! That was just so called for, "What happened?" the other guard, said, as he was not paying attention to would go on in that room, most of the time, especially when another horse guard was going to deal with it. "You didn't hear that?! You never even saw that?!!!"

And then the other guard says,
With the most nonchalant voice, "Nope."

Then the other guard just looked at him with the most shocked look on his face - ever.

The other guards were given the job of carrying the dead body of the Queen to the morgue, They checked, and she was dead.

She had slammed the doors to her room, wanting to be alone, to gripe about her failure. She was so angry! They ruined her chance! She could have been on to her other aunts, and uncles! But, they were there, to ruin it all!! She kicked the walls, again, and she started thrashing around, she was so crazy, that she had pushed mirror out the window, just so that it would hurt someone. She then sighs, and then looked even more ticked off, it didn't work.

They're still ALIVE!!

then she kicked the same wall again, none of this was making sense.

Why is this happening?! It was supposed to work!!GAHHHHHHHH!!

She had begun to internally scream. AHHHHH!! AHHHHHHH!AHHHHHHHHHH!

"Why?!" She said, crying, "Why is this happening?!"

Then she kicked the wall, again.

I still say she's crazy.....

To Be Continued...

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