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A filly was walking through the garden of the royal castle. It was Mjesečina.

She liked the garden as the Queen never really visited it. She had gardeners, why would she need to see after the garden when she has gardeners to do that?

The Filly loved the garden and hoped that her sister's neglectful ways wouldn't ruin it and that the gardeners never left, because if they did. The garden would be ruined, and she didn't want it to be ruined.

The Queen's angry voice echoes through the air, the filly hides in a bush, away from the gardener's sights, just so that they would not tell the Queen where she was, The Queen flies into the Garden and landed gracefully onto the ground, careful as to not step on the flowers.

Victoria the queen spat out "Where is that filly?!"

Mjesečina shook in fear.

Victoria started to get angrier, no one was answering her, the queen! She shouted "I said -- WHERE. IS. THAT. FILLY?!"

The Gardeners have no idea, they didn't even see a filly enter in.

The Queen has a new foul on the way, the queen quietly trotted through the garden to find the filly, Anger, and hatred filled her eyes as searched for that filly. The filly is too shaky, shaking the bush too much too ever keep hidden in it, the queen noticed the bush, she uses her powers to remove the filly from the bush, and right after, used her powers to force the filly to watch as she destroyed it, knowing the filly loved the garden and all the things that were in it.

"No!" The Filly yelled, Angry at her sister for destroying such a beautiful part of this Beautiful garden, The queen simply responded with a hit to her face with her hoof and shouted in the poor fillies ear: "What were you doing in this garden, foul?!"


"From what?!" The queen then bit her mane and pulled away from the filly with the fillies hair caught in her mouth,

The filly screamed -- It was obvious who the filly was trying to hide from.

The Queen.

"I'm sorry..." The filly said, filled with fear that was jogged into her mind years ago, she was terrified of her sister, her sister huffed, and pulled her to the ground by her hair.

The queen lets go of her, only to speak.

"So, you think you can hide from me? I have hunted down CRIMINALS WHO HAVE THOUGHT SUCH LUDICROUS THINGS!"

The Filly realized that hiding would get her a worse "punishment" than the one she knew she'd already had, even though she did nothing wrong. She was only trying to protect herself.

The filly's bang fell ever so softly in front her face, she didn't move it out of the way like she usually would, she was paralyzed.

She only showed fear in her eyes as she looked into her sister's, the gardeners are used to the cruel treatment of the child, but they've never actually done anything to protect this child, not even when the queen kicked her, the Queen is a horse, and their kicks can kill another horse.

The Filly didn't move. The queen looked at the filly angrily as she just stood there doing nothing, the queen turned around -- "No! Sis! Please don't! You might kill me!!"

The queen honestly didn't care if she killed her.

She just wanted her to pay.

The Queen kicked the filly which sent the filly flying into a bed of flowers, the poor filly was knocked unconscious.

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