The Princess Victoria Ala'Andria

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The Princess, Victoria Ala'Andria, Had woken up to a beautiful morning, only to be destroyed by memories of her first failure.

But, this Time, it will work. I will just have to be more clear in my actions, now. I don't want people to know what I'm doing, I would never be able to be Queen if they find out, it would all go down to hell, and burn. I can't let that happen, I cannot fail, again. Not Again. 
She thought She began to plan her aunts' death, she thought of the blood spilling out of her aunt's veins, watching her, as her aunt takes her last breath. It was Nauseating. To be Honest, she didn't really hate her other relatives, she... Thought she loved them. She... Felt like she was fond of them. But, really, she loved the thought of being Queen, more.

She was an evil Horse, but, did grow a fondness for some. She would always be happy around them, now, she's laying down, thinking of all the fun, and fond times that she had, the fondness she had For her family. And the sadness that she carries. Now, at least, she was going to have to kill them. To kill them all. Except for her little sister, Gloria Flora Ala'Andria. She was too young, and she was also the youngest. Really, a baby. But, she wouldn't be of any harm to the Queen's pursuit.

She was never very loving to her sister, always angry, and yelling at her, other times, she never showed her any attention. Her sister loved this. Her sister was a foal, very young, so she would not have to worry about her finding out anything,

She got up, walked out of her room, and began planning how to kill her aunt, she didn't want her aunt to die painfully, nor did she want her to die quick, as Victoria felt that she didn't deserve that, she deserves to have a few more last moments to die. Feeling guilty, she decided to
Think of ways to justify herself.

You have to, it is your mother's fault!!
She felt ashamed of herself, for attempting to kill the one person she thought she loved...
It's your mother's fault!! She should have let you be Queen!!
She thought, to further justify herself.
She hit her head against the wall, so as to stop the thinking, the feelings of sadness, and guilt that plagued her, she did it multiple times, but, it changed nothing.

I can't. I can't let that get to me, it is my future! Mine!!!

She thought. And with that, she left off. She was going to go kill her Aunt. She has entered the kitchen, so many things all in their place.

She looked around, how will she kill her? She's looking for poison, but, then she soon realizes that she's not going to be able to find in here. It is a Kitchen, not a place owned by hit-stallions, Hit-stallions.

She got it! She'll hire a hit-stallion to kill her! They had many poisons, and anyone of them could kill a horse such as her aunt.

A hit-stallion. That should work. But, I need to get the poison.

She knew that if he saw her aunt, and did not kill her, he might tell. She needed a lie. A very, very good Lie. To her, she was a very sweet woman, so, he might not be able to finish, out of pity, for her. Too much Pity! Stop it!!
She thought it was starting, again. She didn't want to do this. Not by herself. Why am I feeling so Sad?! I was fine, yesterday!

What's wrong with me?!

She said, hitting her head on the wall, causing her horn to put a hole in it. Then, something fell.

A product of the vibrations from the hit.
A tiny, little bottle of poison.

She picked up the bottle of poison, with the power of her horn, it was her chance, her chance to kill her, how she wanted. She read it, it was medication,

She took the meds, out of the bottle, and saw how little they were. They were About as tiny as a mustard seed.

Really Small.

She thought

This Is Great! I don't have to leave, thanks to these.

She had to think about what she would do, would she put them in her drink or her food?? They will both order different drinks or food. Her aunt, some oats, her, hay.

She walked out of the kitchen to think about what she would do, she got it, she will invite her to dinner, all the Guards must leave the room, she will need to lock the doors, and then pad them, and the walls, so that no sound could get out,

She had a perfect idea, and she knew how to do it.

She walked back into the Kitchen and started preparing the meals, for her, and her aunt.

She called for her aunt to come into the room. Her aunt, happy and delighted to see her, did as she asked. "What is it, dear?" her aunt had asked in a small, sweet tone.

Victoria was hesitant, but, had then proceeded to continue on. She served her the oats, which had contained the poison needed to kill her.

"Are you Hungry...?? I made you some dinner..."

"U-Um, are you alright, sweetie?? You seem depressed..."

And quickly, the Princess responds "Yes, I am, Now, eat."

Her aunt was Kinda nervous, but, trusting of her niece.

She sat down at the table, and then she began to eat the oats, while Victoria began to eat away her sadness, and guilt, and her anxieties, it hurt.
Doing this -- hurt...
Then, her aunt ate it, she ate the pills.

To Be Continued...

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