my Death. 💀

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A Mare and her Stallion husband walks up to meet the bloody dead Queen, and the mare, screams, and doves her head into her Stallion's neck, "Oh, my-" and crying, "...Gosh...!"

She finds the Queen dead on the ground, The Princess is pleased with her success, and walk out of the room, and then, she looks back at the two guards in front of the door to the balcony, and she shakes her flank in front of them, only to use her powers to pull out 2 little bags of gold coins, from her tail that she had hidden 'em in, with her horn, The 2 guards ran up to each bag, and grabbed one, each their own.
The Queen was set up.
By her filly, and 2 totally unfaithful guards.

And with this betrayal, the Filly walked off and continued on with her business.

As she walked off, she started to think about how she would kill her uncles and aunts, who were now going to get the throne, because of her mother's death.

To Be Continued...

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