I hurt my loved one.

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As the tiny horse lays on her mattress, she's thinking on ways to become the Queen.

She has a startling idea.

"I'll kill her.."

She says, "I'll Kill my Mother.."

She gets herself up like a teenage horse would, and sits down, then says, "I will kill my mother, and when I do that, I get her throne.." There was only one problem, her aunts, and her uncles.
"But, If I do that, then my aunts and my uncles will have to take the throne, I will not let that happen. I will just have to kill them, too. Oh, it's so sad. I'll have to kill them. It's time to put the plan into action."

So, she sat there, and She thinks about how, and ways to kill her mother. All by herself. She plans It.

The next minute, and two days later.

And the plan is completed.

And then she goes.


Her Mother.

She's on the Balcony. She looks fine.

For her, too bad.

She smiles looking at her, with her Mother's beautiful horn, very much like a Unicorn.

She walks up behind her mother,

And then - she pushes,

Her Mother falls,

Right off the Balcony.

...to complete the plan.

She looks down off of the balcony.

Oh dear... Splat.

Her Mother died.

There's blood on the ground,
A lot of blood.

That sure was a high fall.

That sure was a high fall.

I wonder how her body, stayed attached...

The Princess walks away. All On By herself.

To Be Continued......

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