Her psychopathy.

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The Queen sits on her Throne, thinking and Contemplating on how she got to it, and then - A memory comes back.

An Evil. Horrible. Terrible. Memory. In our eyes...


The Queen is 2 years old, and 6 months old, a teenager in human years, 16, to be exact.

She is walking up to her mother, her Mother's wings, almost like her own, but, more majestic, and big, with more feathers, it would be such a shame if someone just... Plucked 'em off.

The Princess thought In her head,

Already a Psychopath.

She walked up to her mother, her Mother's back was turned. She was not looking at her, and...

"Hi, mother!"

Then, her mother quickly turned around - "Oh, Hello, Dear!"

"Oh, hello mother! And how are you doing, today?!"

"Why I'm fine, how are you, today?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Hello.. mother... Can I have a Talk with you..."

"Why, yes, Dear!!! What would you like to Talk about?!"



The Queen Heart dropped with Dismay, Ever Since the year started, that's all she's been talking about. Succession, Succession, Succession, she couldn't get enough of it, and she had already gotten enough!!

"Oh, dear. Can't we just stop talking about it? It all you have been talking about, since you have turned 2 years, and 5 months old. Succession, Succession, Succession, I can't get enough of it, and I had already gotten enough of it!!"

"Oh, well mother, it doesn't hurt to talk and exactly see who's succeeding, and who's not specifically, is it I?"

"Oh, of course, dear. It has always been you, you're the firstborn, and you are the oldest. And you will get your throne, within due time. When you are at least 3 years, and 4 months old." Which is At least 18 in human years, "So, I have to wait an entire year to get my throne?!"

"Why, yes, dear. Why, in fact, you don't have to wait that long at all. You have an entire year, and a year isn't that long!! Why, it's sad that we have to give up our filly-hood so easy, but it must be done. Why must we have to grow up, you know?"

"I know, mom, but, why do I have to wait so long to get what I rightfully deserve?!"

"Because, sweetie, you aren't old enough!!"

The Queen said, with her normal usual mom tone, sweetly.

"N-N-No! I will not wait!! I deserve it, now!! Not when I'm 3.4 years old, not when I'm freaking 26! NOW!!"

"My daughter, You will watch your tone with me!"

"Now!! Mother!"

"NO. Now, you can go SUCK IT, and suck on a hole, I will not give you that throne until you are 3 years, and 4 months old, do you understand me, filly?! Don't talk to ME like that!!"

And with all Victoria's Built-up Rage...


She said Nothing!!
But, a huff...
"And don't you 'huff' at me, like that! You respect me! Go to your room, and you Betta' be careful, o' I'mma whoop yo' behind, tonight!!"

That pony ran into' her room...

She ain't waitin'.

Who wanna wait?? You??

"Right. Stayed any longer, and I'd turn my back, and kick yo' behind, mmmm."

And she turns her back, and begins humming, while swaying her booty, and tail, with dance, in it.


The Princess was in her room, contemplating on how she can get the throne...

How Am I going to get the Throne??

I can't wait to be Queen, for a whole year.

What am I gonna do?


I am just gonna have to think more about the subject...


To Be Continued...

You and I, The Royalty ©حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن