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I moved to the heavy balls and did squats for a couple minutes.

    I finished my workout and took a quick break and then left because I think I worked a little too hard today.

    As soon as I walked up to my apartment, there was a basket at the front of my door. It was a gift basket. I smiled and grabbed it, bringing it inside. I set it on my kitchen island and read the note in the front of the basket.

Hello new neighbor! We are glad to have you here and we will like to hear from you soon! Enjoy some simple essential needs for a new apartment.
                                   From, The Seavey Family
                                                   (Room: ###)


    I had absolutely zero clue that his family moved here! I knew they moved but... here?! Where I now live? Was that really Daniel I saw in the reflection?!

     Now I have to accept the fact that my Ex-Best Friend lives in the same apartment building as me...

    The note was handwritten and I took a good guess that Daniel's mom named Keri, wrote it. I set the note to the side and removed the tissue paper on top to reveal multiple gifts.

     The first thing that caught my eyes was a gold box right in the middle of the basket. I pulled it out and slowly opened it to reveal a golden watch. I smiled at how beautiful it was. I looked closer to see that it was from Louis Vuitton! From what this thing looks like, it has got to be at least $1,000 dollars! What the f-

    I shut the box and just continued. I spotted some drawings and on the corner, there was the name "Anna Seavey". I smiled and admired the quotes on the paper, complemented by the simple and cute doodles.

    I continued and the rest of the basket was filled with snacks, decorations, a pair of grey pajamas and some random nick nacks.

    I put everything back in the basket for now, until I unpack and my furniture arrives, so then everything will have there own spot. For now, I took a shower to freshen up.

     I still couldn't believe that Daniel... was here. I wanted to make it up for the gift the family gave me, so I headed to the store.

    I was looking at the basket filled with all these goodies. I think I might have gone a little out and bought them a Go Pro because I know how active the Seavey family is. I also bought them chocolate and a bunch of other junk I hope they will appreciate. I know Daniel doesn't like chocolate a whole lot, but there are the rest of them.

    I looked at Keri's note and looked at their apartment number before heading out the door with my gift basket in hand. I looked at the apartment numbers to my right... the number was too high. Then I looked to my left... their door being right next to mine. Well. She wasn't lying about the whole "neighbor" thing.

    I walked in front of their door and my stomach was twisting and turning. I was debating if I should just leave the basket by their door or actually knock and communicate. Right when I was procrastinating on what to do, their door swung open and there was Keri. My eyes widened a little and I put a smile on my face.

"Hi... I am your new neighbor." I spat out.

"You must be! I am Keri." She said as she stuck out her hand.

I gave it a shake. "Nice to meet you. I am Aleea and thank you guys for the gift basket! I thought I would put one together for you guys." I Said as I rose the basket in my hand.

"Awe, Sweetie thank you." Said, Keri, as she accepted the basket.

"Come on in." She said while getting out of the doorway and I walked in.

"I was actually about to go get the mail, but that can wait. Want to stay for dinner? My son is cooking for us." Said, Keri, as we walked to the kitchen and she placed the basket down.

"I would love too," I told her in a kind voice.

"Christian, this is Aleea. Our neighbor." Told Keri to Christian.

"Well hello, nice to meet you." He Said and we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too," I told him... but I already have. Not even Keri or Christian remember me...

Keri and I sat on the living room couch just talking until she pulled out a photo album. Here we go.

Blah blah blah she was telling me stories about the pictures. My eyes always lead towards the pictures of Daniel in them. Where is he?

Once she flipped the page, there was a picture of Daniel and me from graduation. I took a good look to realize how different I look now... is that why they don't remember me? Is it my hair and weight loss that is tripping them off right now. What about my name?

"This is my son Daniel's best friend named Aleea... haven't seen her in a while." Said, Keri, as she looked at the picture.

"We have the same name." I Said giggling trying to the play the part of the "stranger"

"Oh ya! Wait... how do you spell your name?" Asked Keri and she looked at me.

"A-l-e-e-a" I spoke.

"Identical." Said Keri.

Dinner came along and as we sat around the table, about to pray, the front door opened and there was... Daniel.

My heart pounded like crazy at the moment I saw him come through that door, excused himself, and then join us at the table. We finished praying and I felt Daniel's stares.

"Who's this?" Asked Daniel in the sweet voice I missed.

"Our neighbor, Aleea." Said Jeffery.

I gave Daniel a smile, "and you are?"

"Daniel." Responded Daniel.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

Well... he doesn't remember either.

My Dearest Friend - Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now