twenty two

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Maybe I am using this as an excuse to see him, but at the same time... this book must mean so much to him... well and me too, but it's his. It holds a piece of our past.

I sat up from the couch and straightened my pants before walking over and grabbing the book. I stared at it as butterflies flew around my stomach... am I ready to face him again? His whole family?

I grabbed my bag and then left my apartment with only the sound of my heels clicking on the hardwood floors. I reached his door which isn't that far since we are neighbors and then slowly pressed the doorbell.

I waited and had instant regrets. I debated if I wanted to leave now or- too late.

"Oh my gosh! Aleea." Said, Keri, as she pulled me in a hug.

"Honey we missed you." She said in the hug.

"I missed you guys too," I said softly.

We let go of the hug, "I Uh... um, I have something for Daniel." I Said with a small smile.

"Oh, he will be home any moment now.... come in." She said as she moved out of the doorway and I smiled as I walked into the apartment that smells like marshmallows.

"Mind if I wait in his room?" I Asked.

"Not at all... go ahead." She said with a smile and continued to do what she was doing in the kitchen.

I walked to Daniel's room and left the door open a crack. I looked around. He must not have a lot of time to decorate. The walls only had two posters and all his furniture was so basic.

I sat on his made bed and then looked around a little more. I spotted something shiny under one of his pillows. I slowly moved the pillow to find our photo album.

"He cares." I softly said to myself.

I picked up the album and then flipped through it on my lap. The book laid next to my legs on the bed as I looked through the pictures again. Seeing what I miss the most...

I heard the bedroom door open slowly and I looked up to see shocked Daniel. His eyes looked watery almost instantly and his mouth was slightly open. He looked... broken in the inside.

"I am so sorry." I cried... I was getting emotional with him.

I watched as he slowly closed the door behind him, but kept his eyes on me.

I got up and we both forced each other in a tight hug. I could tell he was speechless.

"It's been too long." He Whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

"I am... so... sorry."

"Shhhhh... it's okay." He comforted me, but I could tell he was about to cry too.

"I missed you," I Said. The hug was still strong.

"I- I missed you too." He forcefully said. I didn't believe him. Did he really miss me? Or does he wish I never came back?

Daniel POV

    I was speechless... she came. I never thought she would again. I thought she wanted to forget about me and just cut me out of her life. But I guess not.

    I wasn't expecting her so soon... I mean I just barely got the news that she was dating some guy named Bryan. That news shattered my heart... wishing I would never see her face again.

    I was jealous that she was dating the Bryan guy... and not me...

Aleea POV

"You okay?" I Asked Daniel as he stared blankly at his hands.

"Ya- ya I am fine."

"No, you're not..."

"Aleea, please... I am fine."

"Daniel... don't do that to yourself."

"Do what?"

"Hide things... I know things aren't rig-"

"I am not okay!" He snapped at me, "Okay?!"

"I thought I lost you... thought you would never come back... I trusted you, Aleea!" He continued...

"Daniel I-"

"No... no, I've been upset about all of this lately... and who is Bryan?!"

"He... he's my boyfriend." Daniel just shook his head.

"Why do you care?" I Asked. "Who cares who Bryan is!"

"I care, Aleea!"

"Why Daniel... Why?!"

He took a moment to speak up...

"Because I loved you Aleea... I was in love with you."

    Daniel left the room feeling silent... he was filled with instant regrets... I could see it in his eyes.

"I should go," I Said softly as I picked up my bag.

"No Aleea, I am sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that." Said, Daniel, as he lightly grabbed onto my shoulder in hopes of stopping me.

"I deserved it," I Said as I looked at the book sitting on Daniel's bed.

"No you didn't... please Aleea stay."

    I ignored him and shoved the book in my bag in hopes he didn't see it...

"Don't... I am the one that lied and broke your heart... and you were in love with me? How could have I've been so stupid enough to just leave you like that... I could've done better and we wouldn't be in this mess... I wish I never lied." I Said as I tear ran down my cheek at the last part.

"Alee-" Said Daniel as he tried to pull me in a hug, but I stopped him.

"You don't deserve me," I Said before walking out of the Seavey apartment and walked out of the apartment building hoping my mom would be home soon... in the meantime; I need air.

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