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I spend my day in Portland... just doing random stuff. I went to a cute cafe and went shopping. I also met a few new people. Well, they knew me and I didn't know a single thing about them.

"So when are you going to start doing shows?"

    I whipped around from my seat and saw Tyler standing there with a salad in hand. I was at a food court filled with food trucks and stuff.

"When I can actually write songs." I Said with a smile and then turning back to my regular position.

"And once you do... I can be your manager." Said Tyler as he sat across from me.

"Aren't you guys suppose to be on your way to Texas right now?" I asked.

"Show was delayed because of the wildfires." He Said.

"Glad we live by the ocean." I Said As I took a sip from my mango smoothie.

"How about tsunamis?"

"Don't- no don't even mention that." I Said placing my cup down.

"Sorry." He said Laughing.

"Where's the boys?" I Asked as I played with my straw.

"Somewhere... around Portland." Said Tyler.

"Wow... what a great manager." I Said rolling my eyes.

"Hey! I trust them." Said Tyler.

"Say that again when there is a crowd of screaming girls following them."

"Look... you and me... business." Said Tyler as he formed a rainbow in the air.

"Look... you and me... not gonna work." I Said copying him.

"It so is!"

"I wish I was good at writing music, but I can't even jot down a sentence." I tried to explain.

"Yes you can... try. I believe in you... so does Daniel." Said Tyler. I felt my joy kick up a bit once he said Daniel's name.

"Ya... but I don't believe in myself." I told him before standing up.

"I am never going to stop trying... cause I believe that you can do it." Said Tyler as he stood up as well.

"Fine... I will try." I told him. He did a little "Yes" thing in the air and smiled.

"I could change my mind." I Said dozing off.

"Don't even." Started Tyler.

I just laughed at him.

"Tell the boys that I said hi... and that I miss them." I Said before walking off to start my journey to my car.

"Will do!" He Yelled back since I was feet away from him by now.

I smiled and turned onto the side walk. It was a sunny afternoon and I was pretty upset that summer is almost over... ugh. At lease I don't have school, but I have a crap ton of modeling sessions for "back to school" stuff.

"Aleea! How is you day so far?" Ask a reporter as she walked up to me with a microphone and a man holding a camera. Since when did Portland have "paparazzi"... or did they come here?

"Great... how is yours?" I Asked sweetly.

"Good, Thanks for asking." She stated.

"Any Time." I Said.

"So how was the concert last night?" She Asked and then placed the mic close to my mouth.

"It was fun.. very fun."

"Did you communicate with Daniel Seavey?" She Asked.

"Yes." I lied.

"Just to make it clear... are you two dating?" She started.

"I don't know... I wouldn't put it like that. We are just close... you know?" I Said.

"We know we know, but everyone is inching for new details about Daniel and you."

"Well... same old same old." I Said as we reached my car.

"Hope to talk to you again, Miss Sterling." Said the reporter as I opened my car door.

"Same here." I Said before getting into my car and closing the door.

"Why am I so nice.. Jesus." I Said before starting up my car and drove back home.

"Mail for you." Said my mom as I entered the house and she was watching the afternoon news.

"Where?" I Asked.


I walked into the kitchen and saw an white envelope on the island. I looked to see who it was from... probably one of the biggest and most successful modeling agencies. My eyes widened and I didn't wait to rip open the envelope and see what was inside.

     I saw the letter that... I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THEIR AGENCY! I smiled and basically jumped in joy.

"What is it?" Asked my mom as she leaned against the the corner of the wall.

"I am accepted!" I Said as I ran up to her to show her and then she pulled me into a hug.

"I am so proud of you sweetie... I always will be."

"Thanks, Mom." I Said with a huge smile

"Thank Daniel"

My Dearest Friend - Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now