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    I found myself in the gym again today... nothing exciting, so once I got home, I watched whatever that was on Netflix cause I don't have cable.

Nothing.... nothing interesting. I swear today was just boring. We have those kinds of days, but I hate these kinds of days.

    So I decided to just go to Starbucks for a bit. I grabbed my small backpack, keys, and my phone before heading out the door. The nearest Starbucks was only a short walk away. It was a beautiful day... just a blank canvas.

    Starbucks was packed! Not sure why, but I was more focused on getting my drink. Once I did receive my drink, I looked around and there were no seats. None except for a couple open seat at occupied tables. I looked around a bit more and found a girl sitting by herself at a two-person table. She seemed very young and I am sure she wouldn't mind me sitting at "her table."

"Hello, may I sit here?" I Asked sweetly. When the girl looked up, I realized it was Angi from high school.

"Wouldn't mind." She said with her shining smile.

"Thank you... it's just so packed here." I Said looking around a bit.

"I know... it's never like this." Said Angi with a little laugh. I decided to try to show that I know her.

"Angelina?" I Asked, acting surprised like the moment I recognized her.

"Yes that's me... and you are?" She Asked raising an eyebrow.


"Oh my gosh... Aleea! The girl who was with Daniel Seavey for dinner the other night." Said Angi as she kept her voice low.

"No... Aleea Sterling from High School." I Said giving her a little smile.

"Oh, my.... no! You look so different! I couldn't recognize you. It's been a year since I seen you!" Said Angi and she nearly jumped out of her seat.

"I know I know," I Said laughing.

"Where have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while?" She Asked.

"Been living under a rock," I told her.

"Well, you came out!" Said Angi.

"Surprisingly, Yes." As a giggled left my mouth.

"Nooooooooo, you look like that girl the paparazzi took pictures of." Said Angi as she inspected my face.

"I heard about that..., not me." I lied.

"Oh my gosh... your hair... it's darker... you have blonde tips..." Said Angi.

"And I think I lost some weight," I Said looking at myself up and down.

"Yes! Yes, you did! You face seems slimmer. No wonder I didn't recognize yo- WAIT! Daniel! Have you talked to him? He's been looking for you for so long now." Said Angi.

"No... he hasn't noticed me." I told her.

"Ha, well since Daniel and I hang out a lot... you can come with me and you can reunite with Daniel!" Said Angi.

"That would be amazing... I miss him." I responded.

"He's going to be so happy to see you... you have no idea." Said Angi as she rested her hand on his chin.

"I am going to be just as happy." I agreed.

"Now... tell me about what's been happening since the last time we talked!" Said Angi as she got all comfy to listen to my whole story.

Angi and I caught up with each other. We talked about our modeling and acting career and some other stuff that kept us sitting there all afternoon.

"I am going over to Daniel's house tonight... you should come." Said Angi.

"I wish I could, but I have plans tonight," I told her.

"Aw... that's too bad. Don't worry, I will mention you." Said Angi as she began to stand up.

"Will do," I told her as I also stood up and we exchanged goodbyes with a hug.

Now I had to head him before or after Angi gets there, so I took a long way around in hopes I will get to my apartment after Angi gets to Daniel's.

As I walked down the hallway, I heard Daniel and Angi's voices down the hallway. Their voices got louder and I could hear their footsteps... they were coming my way. I ran back from where I can from and I found the staircase which I ran up to the third floor instead of going through the elevator which was where the two came from.

Once I reached a non-visible spot, I calmed down and walked the rest of the way up until I got into my apartment and flopped onto my couch.

What will Angi tell him?

My Dearest Friend - Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now