A Chocking Reveal

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Set two and a half years after Rory's graduation. Logan and Rory had ended their relationship a while after Logan had moved to London.
She had cut off all communication with Logan. During the last two years, Rory had lived in Stars Hollow.

This particular day was just like any other, Rory had walked over to Doose's market to do some grocery shopping when she stumbled upon a new paper. The cover read "Huntzberger heir admitted to a rehab facility."

"What in the world has he gotten himself into??"Rory thought to herself while she picked up the magazine to read it.

The next few pages were filled with Logan and his family. Rory decided to buy the rest of her things and the paper to continue reading it when she got home.
30 minutes later she walked into her childhood home where she was staying back in her old room. She put away the things she had bought, then she sat down by the table and began reading.

"Logan Huntzberger the heir to the Huntzberger group, has been admitted to a rehabilitation facility dealing with a serious drinking problem. Mr. and Mrs.Huntzberger has not commented on their son's status."

At that point, Rory just threw the paper down on the table. She debated whether to call Finn or not. But she didn't have to make that decision since just a few minutes later her phone rang. She recognized the number at once and decided to answer.

"Hey Finn, what's up?" Rory asked.

"Love, we need to talk," Finn told her.

"Finn? What's up? No chipper comment?"Rory asked him concerned.

"It's serious Rory, it's Logan," Finn told her.

"What's wrong?"Rory asked him while already knowing the answer.

"He's been admitted to a rehab facility, "Finn told her.

"I know I read it in the paper," Rory told him while suddenly feeling sick.

"I figured, I'm worried about him Rory," Finn told her honestly.

"I know Finny, how long has it been going on?"Rory asked him worried.

"About six months, it got to the point that me, Robert, Colin, Stephanie, and Rosemary had to have an intervention for him. He didn't want to admit it at first."Finn told her honestly.

"Where you the ones who got him admitted?"Rory asked him.

"Yeah us and Honor, his parents didn't care," Finn answered her.

"I'm sorry Finn, but why are you calling me? I haven't seen or spoken to Logan for over two years."Rory asked him while sitting back down on the chair.

"Actually love, I think I need your help. You need to see him, I think your the only one who can get him out of this."Finn answered her truthfully.

"Me? Why in the world he listen to me?"Rory asked him.

"Can you just meet me in New York tomorrow?"Finn begged her.

"I'll meet you in New York tomorrow Finn, I can't promise I'll be helpful but I'll try."Rory told him while ending the call.

Rory put her phone down and thought about what Finn had just told her. She couldn't really imagine Logan in rehab.
Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted when Christopher walked into the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo, how are you?"Christopher asked her while noticing the tears in her eyes.

"Umm, it's Logan," Rory answered him while drying her tears.

"What about Logan?"Christopher asked her while sitting down beside her.

"He's in rehab dad, apparently he's not doing well. "Rory answered him while crying even more.

"You still care about him don't you Rory?"Christopher asked her.

"In a way, I think I do, when Finn called this strange feeling came over me. I guess I never really stopped loving him."Rory answered him honestly.

"I can understand you, all those years that you and Logan were together," Christopher told her while grabbing her hand.

Later that night, Rory was looking through her closet. She was looking for a box that she held dear.

"Where is it? I know I had it here."Rory thought to herself.

A few minutes later she found it, she opened it and there it was. The rocket Logan had given her when he moved to London, the picture of them at her first life & death brigade event, the photo she had taken on the day of Logan on his graduation day and the picture they had taken together after Rory moved in with Logan.

She couldn't believe he was in rehab. That was not the Logan she knew. She wondered why everything had gone so far, why he had resorted to drinking. She walked over to the bed, sat down and began looking at all the pictures of a time that seemed so long ago.

She wondered how Logan would react if she would visit him. She debated if she should text Honor or not. She decided it would be for the best.

"Hey Honor, it's me, Rory. I'm probably the last person you want to hear from, I heard about Logan."~ Rory G.

After she had sent the text, she put her phone down on her nightstand and looked once again on the LDB photograph. 20 minutes later her phone buzzed, she grabbed it and saw Honor had texted her back.

"You're not the last person I want to hear from, that would be my parents, not you. Finn told me he had reached out to you and I'm glad he did."~ Honor H.

"I probably don't have the right to ask this but how is he?"~ Rory G.

"He's awful, I hardly don't recognize him anymore. He's rude, he doesn't take care of himself and all he does is drink."~ Honor H.

"I assume it hasn't just been going on for six months hasn't it?"~ Rory G.

"No it hasn't, he began after you two broke up but he began drinking more and more these last few months."~ Honor H.

"Finn asked me if I wanted to come with him to visit Logan. Do you think he will be up for it?"~ Rory G.

"Honestly I think you will be the only one to get through him."~ Honor H.

"We should meet up someday Honor."~ Rory G.

"I'd love to Rory."~ Honor H.

So I'm trying this new fanfic, I'll hope you will enjoy it.

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