To New Beginnings

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A couple of days later Logan was settled in at Finn and Rosemary's apartment. Logan was taking his medication and he went to his therapy sessions every day. Everything was going great until one day. Rory was sitting out on the balcony when her phone rang. She saw the number was blocked, against her better judgment she answered.

"This is Rory Gilmore, who is this?"Rory asked.

"Miss.Gilmore, I've heard that you have been in contact with my son. I need to talk to him."Mitchum answered her.

"What in the world do you want Mitchum??"Rory asked him angrily.

"I need to talk to Logan and I know that you are talking to him. He won't take my calls."Mitchum answered her.

"There is no way that I am letting you talk to Logan because he can not handle you. He is not strong enough."Rory told him angrily.

"Well tell him that I call and that I will be waiting for his call."Mitchum told her.

"No, I will not let him know that you called."Rory told him while hanging up the phone.

She put down the phone and sighed loudly. Minutes later Finn walked out on the balcony.

"Love, what is wrong?"Finn asked her while sitting down beside her.

"Mitchum just called, he wanted me to tell Logan to call and that he would be expecting his call."Rory answered him while sighing again.

"What? He is unbelievable."Finn told her.

"There is no way that I am letting Mitchum talk to him. Do you think I should tell Logan that he called?"Rory asked Finn.

"I think that you should, these things has a way of getting out."Finn answered her honestly.

"You are probably right Finn, I should tell him, I'll do it when I pick him up from his therapy session."Rory told him while standing up.

"I think that is the right decision love. And when you two get back me and Rosemary will have finished with dinner."Finn told her.

Thirty minutes later Rory grabbed her purse and walked down to the garage and unlocked her car, then she drove to the rehab facility. A while later she parked her car outside of the building.

"Finn is right, I need to tell Logan. It is the right thing to do."Rory thought to herself.

Just as Rory was gonna get out from the car, her phone rang. She answered the phone when she saw it was Logan.

"Hey Ace, it's me, my session is done. Are you on your way?"Logan asked her.

"I am just outside, do you want me to come in?"Rory answered him.

"Nah, I can come out. I'll be out in a few minutes."Logan told her.

They hung up the phone and Rory stayed in the car waiting. Seconds later Logan walked out from the building and walked to the car. He opened the door and got into the car.

"Hey Ace, I've missed you."Logan told her while leaning into kiss her.

"I have missed you to babe, how was therapy?"Rory asked him.

"It was okey, I still don't like opening up to strangers."Logan answered her.

"I know babe, there is something that I need to tell you and I don't know how you will react to this but I need to tell you."Rory told him with hesitation.

"Sounds serious, but I can handle it Rory."Logan reassured her.

"Umm your father called and he demanded to talk to you, he knew we have been talking to each other."Rory told Logan while regretting it.

"What, why on earth would he call you?" Logan asked her while getting angry.

"Hey, please calm down Logan."Rory begged him while grabbing his hands.

"I just don't get it Ace, why after all the things he did why is he calling now?"Logan asked her.

"I don't know why he called me, but please don't let your father ruin everything that you have worked so hard for."Rory told him.

"Have I told you how lucky I am to have you back in my life again."Logan asked her while leaning in to kiss her.

"Well you can keep telling me again."Rory answered him while leaning in to kiss him.

They leaned in for a passionate kiss, a few seconds later they pulled apart again.

"Oh man, I have missed your kisses."Logan told her a little out of breath.

"Yeah well we might do a bit more than that when we move in to our new apartment."Rory told him while smiling.

"What, you got the apartment?"Logan asked her while kissing her again.

"Yes I did and the job. So we will move into the apartment in a few days."Rory answered him.

"I'm really happy for you Ace."Logan told her honestly.

"Well I'm happy for both of us."Rory corrected him.

"I can't believe you're letting me stay with you Ace."Logan told her.

"Well I am because I still love you Logan, I would not let you stay anywhere else."Rory told him while touching his hand.

A while later they walked into Finn and Rosemary's place. When they walked in, they could smell the lovely food that Finn and Rosemary had made. They could hear voices coming from the kitchen, so they decided to walk into the kitchen to check what was going on. When they walked in, they saw Finn, Rosemary, Stephanie and Colin standing around the kitchen island talking.

"What are you guys doing here?"Rory asked Colin surprised while hugging him.

"Well Finn called and asked us to come over, to celebrate that you've got the apartment."Colin answered her.

"But also to see how Logan was doing, and we heard that you two have feelings for each other."Stephanie added while hugging Rory.

"I'm really glad you guys are here."Rory told them.

"What can I say, she couldn't get over me."Logan joked while kissing Rory on her cheek.

"Well who can? That famous Huntzberger smile and that hair, I mean come on."Rory said while laughing.

"Well we are happy for you guys and we are really proud of you Logan, for have worked so hard to get better."Rosemary told them while looking at Logan.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys and especially not you Ace. Seeing how much you really cared about me, made me realize how low I had come."Logan told them all while grabbing Rory's hand and kissed it.

"Well this calls for a toast, and of course it is a non alcoholic one, sparkling water for everyone."Finn said while handing out glasses.

"To new beginnings."Everyone cheered.

Sorry for taking sooo long to update, but finally a new chapter!! Enjoy☺️

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