Opening Up To Each Other

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Two weeks later, Logan was on his way to
recovery. He was going to all his therapy sessions and Rory had not left his side for a minute. Logan had slowly began to open up to Rory again.
Rory walked into Logan's room and saw him sitting on one of the chairs.

"How are you feeling today Logan?"Rory asked him while walking towards him.

"Okey I guess."Logan answered her honestly.

"I have avoided this for the last two weeks but I haven't been sure to bring it up."Rory told him carefully.

"I think I know what you want to talk about and I knew this would come up."Logan told her.

"Are you sure that you can handle this?"Rory asked him concerned.

"I'm sure Rory, we need to talk about this."Logan answered her truthfully.

"What happened to you when you moved to London,Logan?"Rory asked him while sitting down on the chair beside him.

"I couldn't handle the pressure of being apart from you and dealing with my family drama all the time was the tip of the iceberg."Logan answered her.

"Is that why you broke up with me? Why didn't you just talk to me?"Rory asked him while tearing up.

"I didn't know what to do, believe me I knew I should have talked to you Ace."Logan answered her.

"What happened to you after you moved?"Rory asked him again.

"I guess the move to London was the last thing I could handle. To be honest I wasn't in the best place for months before London."Logan answered her.

"Is that why you came home drunk all those times? You should have talked to me, I could have helped you through it."Rory told him while drying her tears.

"I'm sorry Ace. To be honest the reason I decided to end things was because I didn't want to put you through everything that I was going through. I couldn't let you see me like that and I wasn't proud of what I had become."Logan answered her while beginning to cry.

"Oh Logan, I could have helped you."Rory told him while touching his hand.

"I realize that now Rory, you have proven that and more by being here for me."Logan told her.

"You don't have no idea how much I've missed you Logan. To be honest my feelings for you  haven't disappeared, I still have feelings for you Logan."Rory confessed to Logan.

"I didn't think you still felt that way ace, I never stopped loving you."Logan confessed to her.

"Oh Logan, I never stopped loving you either."Rory told him.

"The only reason I broke up with you was because I didn't want you to see me in that way. I couldn't look you in the eyes, I didn't want to disappoint you."Logan told her while looking down at the floor.

"There was no way for you to ever disappoint me, do you know why?"Rory told him while holding his hand.

"Why?" Logan asked her.

"Because I love you, you mean so much to me."Rory answered him while standing up from the chair.

"You love me? After everything that has happened?"Logan asked her.

"Yes you silly, I love you. Do you have any idea how much you worried me when I found out what you had been doing."Rory told him while standing behind him, bent down and hugged him.

"I love you too Ace, I never thought I would see you again."Logan told her honestly.

"I never thought I would see you either Logan."Rory said while touching his hand.

"What should we do now?"Logan asked Rory.

"Well I talked to your doctor earlier, and we discussed the possibility of you continuing your recovery outside the rehab."Rory answered him while sitting back down on the chair.

"Really, how would that work?"Logan asked her confused.

"It would be on probation, it will have three conditions. One is that you continue going to your therapy sessions, two you will have to stay with me for a few months, third is my own condition you have to talk to me no matter what it is."Rory answered him while grabbing her phone.

"But how can I stay with you, aren't you staying with Finn?"Logan asked her confused.

"I have been looking at an apartment, ten minutes from Finn. It's a two bedroom apartment, I have also been at a job interview at news paper here in town."Rory answered him while showing him pictures of the apartment.

"I couldn't impose like that Ace, you have already done so much for me."Logan asked her while looking down at the floor.

"You are not imposing Logan, I am offering. I just told you that I still love you, I want to help you so much as I can."Rory told him.

"Oh Ace, I love you. Let's say I will agree to this will you really be able to handle me?"Logan asked her honestly.

"I will because I really want to help you deal with this."Rory answered him.

"So I guess we have an agreement."Logan told her while standing up.

"Yes we do, I will lay down a bid on the apartment. I talked to Finn and Rosemary and we can stay there until everything is settled with the apartment."Rory told him.

"Wow, I can't believe this ace. I can't believe you doing this for me."Logan told her.

"I am not only doing it for you, I am also doing this for me because I couldn't live with myself if anything happens to you."Rory told him truthfully.

"What does Finn and the others think about all this?"Logan asked her.

"They actually thought that it would be a good idea and that it would actually help you."Rory answered him."

"When do the doctors plan on release me on probation?"Logan asked her.

"In just a couple of days I think."Rory answered him.

25 minutes later the visiting hours was over, Rory and Logan said goodbye to each with a hug. After Rory left the rehab, she went back to Finn and Rosemary's place. She walked into the apartment.

"Love, how did it go?"Finn asked her while hugging her.

"He agreed to be released on probation and in to my care, I told him that he could stay here until I get the apartment."Rory answered him while taking of her shoes.

"We would love nothing more for Logan and you to stay here, when does he get released?"Rosemary asked them while walking into the room.

"In the next few days actually."Rory answered her.

"What did you two talk about? Your glow says everything thing."Finn asked her.

"We might have said the we still loved each other?"Rory answered him while blushing.

"What? Are you kidding me, after all this time?"Finn and Rosemary asked at the same time.

"Yes after all this time, we both realized we still have feelings for each other."Rory answered them.

"I think it's wonderful, that you still have feelings for each other."Rosemary told her.

So Logan and Rory has still feelings for each other. Logan will be released into Rory's care, how will that work out?

Finally my next chapter is up, sorry for taking so long to update.

What happens now?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora