A Suprise Visit

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The day was finally here, as much as Rory had enjoyed staying at Finn and Rosemary's place. She couldn't help but to look forward to be moving in her own apartment with Logan, she actually wanted this to become a permanent thing. She would like nothing more then to live with Logan permanently.

"Logan, are you okey?"Rory asked Logan while putting down a box filled with her books.

"Yes I'm fine babe, just got a lot on my mind."Logan answered her honestly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"Rory asked him while walking over to him.

"I just have a lot on my mind, are you sure you want me to move in with you?"Logan asked her concerned.

"Logan, believe me I want nothing more than you for to move in with me."Rory answered him while sitting down beside him.

"I love you so much Ace."Logan told her.

"And I love you to babe."Rory told him while leaning into kiss him.

They both leaned in to kiss each other. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door.
They pulled apart a little annoyed and got up from the sofa.

"I wonder who that can be."Rory said while walking towards the door.

She walked over to the door and opened it.When she opened it, she saw it was Logan's sister Honor.

"Omg, Honor! What are you doing here?"Rory asked Honor while dragging her into the apartment.

"I came to see you and my little brother." Honor answered her while hugging her.

"I've missed you, Logan's in the bedroom."Rory told her while walking towards the bedroom.

"I've missed you to Ror."Honor told her.

They walked towards the bedroom and Rory walked in, and Honor waiting outside the door.

"Hey babe, I got someone here to see you."Rory told Logan as he looked up from his phone.

Just as Logan looked up, Honor walked in.

"Hey there baby brother, long time no see."Honor greeted him while walking over to him.

"Honor!! What are you doing here?"Logan asked her surprised while standing up.

"Well I missed you and I had to see how you were doing for myself. I spoke to Finn earlier and he told me that the two of you are back together and living together."Honor answered him while also giving him a hug.

"I am doing much better, thanks to Rory."Logan told her while looking at Rory.

"I'll leave you two alone and I'll go and fix some coffee."Rory told them.

Rory walked out from the bedroom, as soon as she walked into the kitchen, she finally felt like she could breathe again. She pulled out her phone and headphones. She put the headphones in her ears and put on one of her favorite songs "Famous In A Small Town" by Miranda Lambert. That was one of her favorite songs that always made her happy.

Meanwhile in the bedroom.

"Honestly, how are you? I've been worried sick about you."Honor asked Logan while sitting down on the bed.

"I'm doing much better now than before, honestly I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Rory."Logan answered her honestly.

"Are you ever planning on seeing mom and dad again? I'm not saying you should, I just think you and dad both need to talk about everything."Honor told Logan.

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