A Bad Day

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A little self harming mentions, and depression mentions. So I have warned you.

A few weeks later, Rory and Logan had started to getting used to each other again.
Rory had begun working at her new job as editor at a paper, named The daily news.
Her new position made it possible for her to work from home when she needed to and be flexible with her hours, so she could focus on Logan as well.
Logan is still going to his daily therapy sessions and to his AA meetings.

"Babe, are you awake?" Rory asked carefully while walking in to their dark bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm awake." Logan answered her simply.

"What's wrong Logan?" She asked concerned.

"I'm just having a bad day I guess. Nothing to worry about." He told her while holding in his tears.

"Don't say that, I do worry about you. I want to help you, you just need to talk to me. I am here for you, trust me." Rory told him while joining him on the bed.

"I feel pathetic, I don't deserve to be loved especially not by you.. I have heard it so many times that I am pathetic and can't do anything right." He said while now crying.

"Oh Logan, you do deserve to be loved especially by me because I have seen you at your lowest and nothing can ever scare me away because I love you so much. And for the record you are not pathetic, you are one of the kindest and loving man I know. So what your dad says that, he doesn't know what he is talking about. I know the kind of man you are, he doesn't." Rory told him while slowly grabbing his hand.

"In a way I know that you're right but it's just so hard for me to believe it or even believe in myself for that matter." He told her while turning away from her.

"Do you want to be alone?" She asked carefully.

"Please don't leave, I'm afraid what I'll do if you leave me." He begged her terrified.

"I'm never going to leave you, never. I will be here right next to you." She promised him while kissing his neck.

After a while of Logan tossing and turning restlessly, she noticed that he had fallen asleep. She still had her arm around his waist, when she realized she had to use the bathroom. She gently removed her arm and gently got up, hurried to the bathroom.

She walked into the bathroom, and stopped in front of the mirror. She saw her face covered in tears. It hurt her seeing Logan hurting. But she realized all she could do was be there for him and support him.

A while later she walked back into the bedroom and saw Logan were still sleeping. She grabbed her laptop and got back into bed beside Logan again. She logged on to he computer and begun working on some articles.

Later her phone rang, she put away her laptop and walked out from the bedroom and answered it.

"Hey love, it's me. How's everything going?" Finn asked.

"It's going okey, I'm just worried about him Finny. All he does is sleep." Rory answered him.

"He's depressed love, just try and stay positive. All you can do is be there for him, he might not show it but he needs you." Finn told her.

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