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It had been five days since Rory's last visit with Logan. The reason had been that the doctors had put Logan under observation before he was let out on probation. Logan had to promise to continue taking his medication on the same time everyday, keep going to therapy if he missed one session his probation would end.
Rory had applied for a few jobs and had laid an offer on an apartment.

"Did you hear back about the apartment yet?"Finn asked her while handing her a cup of coffee.

"Not yet, they said I would here from them in a couple of days. I really hope I get the apartment."Rory answered him.

"You will get the apartment love, I'm just sad that it means that you'll move out."Finn told her honestly.

"So am I, but I will only be like 10 minutes away. I have really appreciate that you and Rosemary have let me stay here."Rory told him thankfully.

"You don't have to thank us, you have been more than welcome. Everything you have done to help Logan, he has really improved since you've been here."Finn told her while sitting down beside her on the couch.

"I know, I can't help but think back to when I first saw him again, it wasn't the Logan Huntzberger that I had known."Rory told him truthfully.

"It's been a long way but I actually think he is on his way back to the Logan we all know and love."Finn told her.

"I think so to, but it's still along way to go. I think him being on probation and staying with me will be a huge step."Rory told him while putting the coffee cup down.

"I think so too love, I just have to warn you about letting him taking any calls from either his father or anyone else from his family except maybe Honor."Finn warned her.

"I won't let him talk to anyone of them, they haven't done anything to help him before and they won't do that now either."Rory reassured him.

"I believe you love, Mitchum often has business meetings here in town. He usually contacts me just to locate Logan."Finn told her honestly.

"He is unbelievable, no his whole family is. It seems like the only thing they want to do is to destroy Logan."Rory told him while trying to stay calm.

"Yeah I know love."Finn told her.

Two hours later Rory's phone rang.

"Miss.Gilmore, this is one of Logan's doctors. And I need to inform you that Logan is ready to be released on probation."The doctor informed her.

"When can I come to pick him up?"Rory asked the doctor.

"Today would be appropriate, he is just finishing up his therapy session. So in an hour would be great."The doctor answered her.

"I'll pick him up then."Rory told the doctor.

Rory ended the call and then turned to Rosemary.

"That was one of Logan's doctors, he suggested that I would come and pick up Logan in an hour. Please tell me you and Finn can come with me."Rory asked Rosemary.

"Of course we will come with you, you don't need to do this alone Ror."Rosemary answered her while standing up.

"Great, I will go and get changed and then we'll go."Rory told her while standing up and walked towards the guest bedroom.

While Rory was in her bedroom changing Rosemary walked out on the balcony where Finn was sitting reading a book.

"Hey babe, Logan's doctor just called Ror. We are picking up him in an hour, Ror asked us to go with her, I said we would."Rosemary told Finn while sitting down.

"I can't believe he's coming out on probation, this would probably not have happened with out Rory. She actually got through to him."Finn told her while putting down his book.

"I'm worried about him, I'm afraid he won't be able to handle all this. But as long as Rory's here, I think he will."Rosemary confessed to Finn.

40 minutes later they were driving to the rehab, Rory was so nervous, she was actually shaking.

"Hey, everything will be fine."Finn told her calmly.

"I know, I'm just really nervous."Rory told him while trying not to break down crying.

"We are with you and Logan every step of the way."Rosemary told her.

"I really appreciate it, everything you've done."Rory told them.

They walked into the rehab, Finn checked in all three and they were told to wait for Logan's doctor.

"What if this doesn't work out? What if he gets worse by leaving here??"Rory asked in panic.

"This will work out and he won't get worse because you will be taking care of him, that is exactly what he needs right now love."Finn told her reassuringly and while grabbing her hand.

"Ms.Gilmore? I'm dr.Halstead, Logan's doctor.We need to go through a few things before he can get released into your custody."Dr.Halstead informed Rory.

"Yes of course, how is he doing?"Rory asked Dr.Halstead.

"He is finally opening up in therapy."Dr.Halstead answered her while sitting down in front of her.

"I'm glad to hear that, what things do you need to go through with me?"Rory asked Dr.Halstead.

"There is a few conditions to Logan's released as you are aware of, but I have a couple of other conditions."Dr.Halstead answered her.

"Oh? Has anything changed?"Rory asked.

"We have just changed Logan's medication, that will make his feel tired and nauseated. Logan is also under strict instructions not to contact or take calls from his family."Dr.Halstead answered her.

"I understand, I won't his family contact him or he contact them."Rory told dr.Halstead.

10 minutes later they finished their conversation. They walked into Logan's room where Logan sat on the bed.

"Hey Huntz, how are you feeling today?"Finn asked Logan.

"I'm good, looking forward to get out of here."Logan answered him while standing up from the bed.

"Are you sure that you are ready to get out of here?"Rory asked him while walking over to him and hugged him.

"Yes I am. Are you worried about me getting out?"Logan asked Rory while looking into her eyes.

"A little yes, I'm worried that everything will do wrong."Rory answered him honestly.

"Everything will not go wrong Ace."Logan told her while grabbing her hand.

25 minutes later they arrived outside the apartment.

"So me and you will be sharing the guest bedroom together, if you're okey with it."Rory asked Logan while grabbing his bags.

"That is great, because I want nothing else than that. I love you remember?"Logan answered her while leaning in for a kiss.

"Oh Logan, I love you to."Rory told him while leaning into the kiss.

Logan and Rory leaned in to kiss each other, once their lips meet, Rory dropped the bags and got weak to her knees. Seconds later they pulled apart.

"Oh my god Logan, nothing has changed, you still get me weak to my knees."Rory told him while blushing.

"I know you and know how you like to be kissed."Logan told her while grabbing the bags.

They walked into the apartment and joined Finn and Rosemary.

"You two sure took your time, and I see why."Finn told them while smiling.

"Well what can I say, old habits."Logan told them while kissing Rory on her cheek.

Logan is now home, but how will everything go? And what will Lorelai and Christopher have to say about all this? Stay tunded😘

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