Logan's therapy session

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In this chapter you will get to see one of Logan's therapy sessions.

Logan sat down to in the waiting room outside his therapist's office and waited for his turn. In the meantime he were texting with Rory.

" My mom and dad asked if we wanted to come down to the Hollow for a few days? If you're up for it?" ~ Ace.

"I think that would be a good idea, getting out of the city for a while. I'd love to, it's been so long since I saw your parents. When would we leave?" ~ Logan.

"Mom wanted us to come the day after tomorrow, but I said I had to check with you first. I really feel like we should get out more, a specially you." ~ Ace.

"I actually agree with you Ace, besides my therapist have been telling me to get out of the apartment more. So let's do it." ~ Logan.

"Great, I'll call mom now and tell her we're coming the day after tomorrow. Text me when you get home? I just have a few things to do at the paper. Love you❤️" ~ Ace.

"Love you too Ace.❤️" ~ Logan.

As soon as he had put away his phone, his therapist came and got him.

"Hello Logan, how are you feeling today?" Dr.Charles asked him.

"Hello Dr.Charles, I'm doing good actually. I haven't had a bad day for a few days now actually." Logan answered.

"I'm glad, now the last time you were here we talked a lot about you girlfriend and why you broke up. And that you are now back together again, how does that feel?" Dr.Charles asked.

"To be honest she is the reason why I get up in the morning, she always manages to pull me out of my dark thoughts." Logan answered.

"That's good, now what about your parents? Have you heard anything from them lately?" Dr.Charles asked him.

"Dad have called Rory a few times, demanding to see me. He showed up at her office a few days ago and started calling me weak. And that I have never had what it took to be the heir to the Huntzberger group and that is also my own fault for being depressed."Logan answered.

"How does that makes you feel? Your dad calling you weak and that it is your own fault for being depressed?" Dr.Charles asked him.

"In a way I'm not actually surprised that he thinks I'm weak. I have been hearing that all my life, he has always thought that. But the fact that he says that it's my own fault for being depressed. It's like it's my dad's mission in life to push me further and further down, and make me feel even worse about myself." Logan answered.

"It's never really ones fault for being depressed, it's often the pressure that we are under from those around us or the society's expectations of us. In a way we always want to show people that we are just as good as them. And a part of that is that we don't show emotions as often like we need too. And we keep things bottled up inside, and one day everything just tips over." Dr.Charles explained.

"I feel like everything is always my own fault for being like this, I don't feel like I deserve to be loved or that I deserve to live. That things would be better if I didn't love anymore. That people would be happy that I didn't live anymore." Logan confessed while tearing up.

"You're not the only one who feels like this, there are a lot of people who thinks the world would be a better place without them in it. But the truth is, it wouldn't. Think about all the people who are close to you, who would mourn you and miss you."Dr.Charles told him.

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