Seeing Each Other Again

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The next day Finn and Rory walked into the rehabilitation center. While Finn was signing in him and Rory as visitors, Rory took a deep breath.

"I have to warn you he isn't the Logan you know, he's much more depressed and angry," Finn told her.

"I'm just nervous, but I'll be fine," Rory said.

They walked into the room where Logan was staying. Logan was sitting in a chair all the way in the corner. He was staring straight into thin air.

"Mate, I've brought someone to see you," Finn told Logan calmly.

Rory carefully walked up to Logan, got down on her knees in front of him.

"Hello Logan, remember me?"Rory asked him calmly.

"What in the world are you doing here?"Logan asked with an angry tone.

"Finn told me what happened, "Rory answered him calmly.

"Well, he shouldn't have."Logan snapped.

"Logan! Don't do this."Finn warned him.

Rory got up and backed away.

"I'm only here because I care, "Rory told Logan.

"You didn't seem to care two and a half years ago."Logan snapped while pulling up his sleeves.

That's when Rory saw his right arm covered in cut marks.

"What have you done?"Rory asked him in panic.

"What? It's just cut marks."Logan answered her calmly.

"Just cut marks? This isn't just cut marks, Logan."Rory told him angrily while standing up and walked out of the room while crying.

"Are we done here?"Logan asked Finn.

"Yes, we are," Finn answered him simply while walking out from the room.

Meanwhile in the lobby.

"Just cut marks.. what has happened to him..? This isn't the Logan that I fell in love with all those years ago."Rory thought to herself while crying even more.

"Love? Are you okay?"Finn asked her while sitting down and grabbing her hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine."Rory lied.

"He is not himself, he just having a hard time and it has changed him, "Finn told her while looking at her.

"I want to go back in there alone," Rory told him.

"Are you sure love? You don't have to."Finn told her.

"I'm sure Finny, I'll be out soon," Rory promised him.

Rory walked towards Logan's room, this time she walked in without knocking. She walked towards where he had sat before, but he didn't sit there anymore.

"Logan?"Rory called out.

"What do you want now?"Logan asked her while suddenly appearing behind her.

She turned around and saw the tears coming down Logan's face.

"Oh Logan, I have been worried sick about you, "Rory told him honestly.

"Why Rory, why now?"Logan asked her.

"Don't you see it? I just ran out from here just 10 minutes ago crying, and you wonder why?"Rory asked him while beginning crying again.

"Don't cry Ace please," Logan begged her while getting tears in his eyes.

"I don't know what to do anymore Logan, do you have any idea how much you still mean to me? Do you know what hearing from Finn what you had been trying to do to yourself did to me?"Rory asked him while drying her tears.

"I'm sorry," Logan said simply.

"It is not your fault, it's not your fault that your family put so much pressure on you and our breakup didn't help either, "Rory told him while touching his cheek.

"The breakup wasn't just your fault, don't ever think that, "Logan told her.

"I just wished that you would have talked to me, I could have helped you, "Rory told him while drying her tears.

"You know I have always had a difficult time showing my emotions and asking for help," Logan told her while looking down on at the floor.

"I know that Logan, I still wish you would have talked to me about how you were feeling, "Rory told him while touching his hand.

"I should have done that because if I had then I wouldn't have lost you, "Logan told her honestly.

"I guess it wasn't just you shutting me out, it was also that you moved to London. But that was a long time ago now and I'm here because I care and I want to help you, Logan."Rory told him while touching his cheek.

"I can't ask you to help me Rory," Logan told her.

"You are not asking, I'm volunteering, I'm staying at Finn and Rosemary's as long as it takes, "Rory reassured him.

"I don't deserve that Rory, but thank you."Logan thanked her while sitting down at the end of the bed.

Rory and Logan continued talking for 25 more minutes until one of the nurses, came and told them that "Visiting hours were over."

"Are you coming back tomorrow?"Logan asked Rory carefully.

"I was just about to ask you the same question, and if you want me to come back then I will," Rory answered him while getting up from the chair she was sitting in, walked over to Logan and kissed him on his cheek.

"Thanks for still caring about me, "Logan thanked her while tearing up.

"You do not have to thank me for caring about you, because I know that you would do the same for me, "Rory told him.

"I would, thanks Rory," Logan told her.

"I will see you tomorrow," Rory said while kissing him once again on his cheek.

Rory walked out from the room, back into the waiting area where Finn was still waiting for her.

"How did it go love?"Finn asked her while standing up.

"A little weird but I think I got through to him a little," Rory answered him.

"I'm glad, you're staying with me and Rosemary right?"Finn asked her.

"If you don't mind me staying, I don't want to intrude," Rory answered him.

"You are not intruding love, you are more than welcome to stay," Finn told her.

"I really appreciate it, I really want to be close to him, "Rory told him truthfully.

"Then it's decided you are staying with us," Finn told her.

Finn and Rory walked out from the rehab, grabbed a taxi and went straight to the apartment. Once they arrived outside the apartment, they went upstairs.

Meanwhile at the rehab facility.

"It's time for your medication Logan."The nurse told Logan while handing him the medication.

"Yeah I know, don't know how it might help," Logan said with an annoyed tone.

"It will, it takes the away a little of the pain."The nurse told him.

"Fine, I'll take it."Logan gave in.

Rosemary and Finn's apartment.

"I'm glad you're staying with us, considering everything," Rosemary told Rory.

"Me too, as I told Finn, I won't feel comfortable if I leave Logan," Rory told Rosemary honestly.

"I totally understand you Ror, it might seem selfish but I'm glad that we get to spend time together again," Rosemary told Rory while handling the coffee cup to her.
"It's not selfish, I'm glad that you're letting me stay here."Rory thanked her.

Thank you so much guys for reading. I apologize for the inconvenience, I had to rewrite almost the entire chapter.

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