Meeting Old Friends Again

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The next morning Rory woke up early, she had hardly slept anything. All she could think about was Logan. It was strange that after all these years he was still the one person who could get to her so easily. She got up from the bed, put her robe on and walked out to the kitchen where Lorelei, Christopher, and little Amelia sat.

"Good morning." Rory greeted them.

"Good morning kiddo, did you get any sleep?"Lorelei asked her while feeding Amelia.

"Not much, just nervous about seeing Finn and probably Logan," Rory answered her while joining them at the table.

"You will be fine, when do you leave?"Lorelei asked her.

"I'm leaving in an hour, I have to see Finn," Rory answered her.

An hour later Rory was on her way to the airport, Finn had lent her his private jet. A while later Rory landed in New York, as she walked off the plane she saw Finn standing waiting for her. Rory more or less ran down from the jet stairs and down to Finn.

"Finny, I've missed you, "Rory exclaimed while hugging him.

"I missed you to love. Just sad this is the reason why we're meeting again."Finn told her while hugging her back.

"Me too, please fill me in on what has been happening, "Rory begged him.

"Let's get into the car first and I'll fill you in," Finn told her while opening the car door.

They got into the car and began talking.

"It slightly began after you two broke up, and got worse just a few months ago," Finn told her.

"How badly?"Rory asked him while getting more concerned.

"Very bad, he was drunk almost every day. He couldn't remember anything."Finn answered her honestly.

"He couldn't take the pressure, his father's constant demands. Don't tell anyone this but he actually tried to take his own life."Finn told her.

"Oh my god Finny, this isn't happening," Rory said while beginning to cry.

"You still care about him don't you?"Finn asked her while grabbing her hand.

"I never stopped caring about him, we should never have broken up," Rory told him while crying.

"This is not your fault love," Finn told her honestly.

"Do you really think he wants to see me?"Rory asked him.

"He might not seem like it but you are the one person that he needs right now love,"Finn told her.

Ten minutes they stopped outside Finn's apartment building.

"The others are waiting upstairs."Finn told her.

"The others?"Rory asked him confused.

"Rosemary, Stephanie and Colin."Finn answered her.

"What?? And you didn't tell me because?"Rory asked him in slight panic.

"It slipped my mind, I knew you wouldn't come if I had."Finn answered her while opening the building door.

They walked into the apartment building, then towards the elevators. Once they reached the elevators, Finn pushed the button and then they walked into the elevator, he then pushed the fifth floor button. Minutes later they walked into Finn and Rosemary's apartment.

"We're back."Finn announced.

"Rory!! You're here."Rosemary said while hugging Rory.

"It's been to long."Rory said while hugging her back.

Suddenly Colin and Stephanie also joined.

"Well if it isn't reporter girl."Colin said while grabbing Rory and spun her around.

"I've missed you all."Rory said while hugging them all.

"We've missed you to Rory."Stephanie told her while hugging her.
They all walked into the living room.

"I assume Finn has filled you in on what's been going on."Rosemary asked Rory.

"He has, but I don't mind hearing from you guys."Rory answered her.

"After your and Logan broke up, Logan begun going back to his old ways. He began drinking a lot more that he did before, there wasn't many times that he was sober."Colin told Rory.

"He got more and more depressed by the fact that you two weren't together anymore and the constant pressure he got from his family."Stephanie added.

"I don't know how many times we had to bring him to the emergency room to get his stomach pumped, because he had been drinking to much. And we also had to bail him out from jail because he had gotten to drunk."Rosemary continued.

"I had no idea that things had gotten this seriously, well I figured that he was drinking but not this much. I guess this explains the one or two drunken messages that I got from him."Rory told them while beginning to tear up.

"Rory listen to us, this is not your fault."Finn told her while grabbing her hand.

"In a way it feel like it is."Rory cried.

"You could not have know that your break up would lead to this and Logan was kind of struggling with a slight depression before he hooked up with you. He kind of never got over that, he just hid it so that you wouldn't know."Rosemary told Rory.

"Are you saying that is why he drank so often back in collage,just to hide his depression?"Rory asked them.

"Yes, he almost never showed the way that he was feeling, how depressed he really was."Finn told her with a sigh.

"So in a way our break up was the last straw for him?"Rory asked them while drying her tears.

"In a way yes, but the one whom are at most to blame is his family except Honor. The constant pressure that Mitchum and Shira put on Logan for all those years. It finally broke him. They haven't been to visit him since he got admitted over two weeks ago."Colin told Rory while grabbing her hand.

"I'm not surprised that they haven't visited him. But I'd like to visit him if you let me."Rory asked them.

"I think that would be a good idea, I think he needs to see you. Let me just warn you that he is not himself, he can be really mean sometimes and often get's confused."Finn answered her.

"I'd still like to visit him."Rory told them.

"We will visit him tomorrow, let's just get you settled in first and I will check with the rehab if he is up for visitors tomorrow."Finn told her.

Next chapter will finally feature Logan and Rory's reunion.

What happens now?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon