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Jade's POV

Paige is really angry at Aidan right now. I mean, I would be too if my boyfriend thought I wanted to, you know. We're all breaking apart. Lance and Breanna are still upset over this baby stuff, I think Paige and Aidan are breaking up because he's annoying her about keeping the baby. I'm pretty sure Paige is getting an abortion. Me and Ricardo are still going great! "I'm breaking up with you! I hate you Aidan!" Me and Ricardo from upstairs. "Ouch, that's going to hurt Aidan." Ricardo whispers to me. Paige storms downstairs and walks outside. "Paige..." I try to calm her. "Can we get out of here?" She snaps. "Okay." I get Ricardo and we leave Aidan's house. "Me and Aidan are done." She says while deleting all photos of her and Aidan and cropping him out if she can. I'm actually glad she broke up with them, I had a feeling Aidan would do something like this.

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