Truely Turtle

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//[Where Alex is a genius and fucks up in the best way]

"You've...'vat?" Lafayette furrowed his brow with a frown from his spot across Alex and beside Hercules; the three of them were currently in Alex's garage, AKA his Laboratory. Alex was currently standing beside a machine with a large laser-like beam attached to the central control panel that was in a metal box form. Lafayette and Hercules were on the couch across from Alex with bored expressions, used to seeing Alex's inventions fail, while Laurens had just walked in, hugging his plush turtle to his chest while in pajamas, getting ready to go to sleep as it was just after midnight, however, he stayed up to make sure his boyfriend wouldn't harm himself with his inventions or to make sure someone called an ambulance rather than just film.

"I've engineered a machine that can send the mind into an inanimate object," Alex grinned.

Laurens flopped down beside Lafayette and Hercules on the couch, placing his turtle to his left on top of a stack of items that were placed on the coffee table to his left.

"Mon Ami, this is great and all, but even if this works..." Lafayette began.

"What use would it have?" Hercules finished with Lafayette nodding in agreement; John not saying anything but rather fawning over every movement that Alex made and how adorably determined he looked.

"Ah, great question!" Alex held up his finger, "I'm going to zap myself and-"

"Nope, I'm stopping you right there." John stood up.

Alex sighed with a little chuckle, "John, it's alright, I'll be fine."

"Have you tested it?" John looked at Alex, unamused.

Alex was silent for a moment, "I checked my calculations and-"

"Did you. Test it."

Alex didn't respond. "Anyway!" He began to speak quickly as John got to his feet, "I'm going to zap myself into my laptop on that table and then have complete access to everything and possibly right some wrongs!" Alex backed up as John advanced forward, "If the process worked, the machine will turn me back in twelve hours," Alex put his hand on the machine and John now looked actually worried, not entirely believing he'd go through with this, "If I'm not back in twelve hours then— Uh—"

"Alex, do not press that button."

"John, it'll work this time, trust me." Alex sighed.


Alex slammed his hand down on the ignition button and the machine began to buzz to life.

"John, step back!" Alex yelled.

John's eyes widened as he tried to get to Alex but before rough hands around him as Hercules pulled him back.

"I'll be able to feel things around me through the computer, feel emotions, touch sensitivity, and see what's going on around me through whatever the magpie deems worthy of as eyes— most likely the camera! Don't touch the computer until twelve hours from now as to not mess things up or disturb me!" Alex called out finally before the machine zapped him, a yelp escaping his lips before he disappeared, a second laser pointing towards the laptop, buzzing once again and zapping it; then everything was quiet.

John stared in horror where Alex had just been, looking to the machine to see the main screen of it said Loading.

"Merdeit worked." Lafayette's eyes widened as the machine read Physical and Mental entity transferred.

"Is- is he alright?" John whispered.

Lafayette and Hercules looked to him with a frown, "We won't be sure until twelve hours from now Mon Ami."

"...I..." John began before looking a bit more confident, "He'll Be back. Until then...guys, I'm sure he won't mind me staying here...right?"

"Don't you anyway?" Lafayette smirked.

"Well- never overnight." John admitted sheepishly.

"Really?" Hercules scoffed in disbelief, "You've been dating for some time now."

"Yeah, but— I don't know, we haven't really— talked about it—"

"Not even cuddling?" Lafayette cocked his head.

"Well, it's not like we haven't—but we've never— been in the same bed or, done any of that shit before." John wobbled on his feet awkwardly.

"Lafayette and I-" Hercules began.

"Tais-toi!" Lafayette hissed out and Hercules raised his hands up defensively.

John frowned in confusion but shook his head, "I'm sure he won't mind, anyway. I'm in my pajamas here so-"

"We've got important business to attend to." Hercules winked at Lafayette who rolled his eyes but smirked, "We'll Be back in the morning, tell us how it went."  Hercules nodded.

Lafayette looked at the other as Hercules opened the garage door and headed for his truck before Lafayette turned to Laurens with a sympathetic smile, "He'll be fine."

"...I know..." John mumbled.

Lafayette bowed in farewell with a goofy wink before leaving after Hercules and closing the garage door before hopping in Hercules car just as it closed.

John sighed and turned to the laptop, grabbing his plush turtle that rested on top of it before looking down at the electronic, "Please be here in the morning, Alex..." John sighed before heading for the garage door that led inside, "I'll be back in a minute, Ima' go get ready for bed and then I'll sleep on the couch and make sure nobody takes you, Okay?" John waited, maybe for a Beep, or a click, anything...but after a minute, he gave up and entered the house. He was glad that the lights were on and that he had his plush turtle, he didn't particularly like being or feeling alone, "Alright, Alex Turtle, you don't think Alexander will mind if I raid his fridge a bit, he kissed his turtle's head.

Alex's vision blurred as the machine zapped him and he let out a yelp before he found that his yelp was now only mental; as his vision focused and he looked out from where he was on the coffee table. It worked! He cheered with joy, though mentally as he didn't have a mouth to speak apparently. He could hear John and Lafayette talking and listened in, though personally confused as to why he felt the same amount of knowledge as usual and was unable to open any sort of browser...

"I'm sure he won't mind anyway. I'm in my pajamas here so-"

Alex felt warmed at the idea of John staying here for his safety and had to fight the urge to kiss him on the head, as he physically couldn't. He sighed in his mind as Lafayette left and looked at Laurens as he advanced forward and smiled down at him; though Alex felt worry bubble up in him as John bent to pick him up You're not supposed to do that— remember?? Apparently not as John picked him up and squeezed him to his chest; Alex could feel his face flush up, recalling that he himself was able to feel physical things. Alex looked up at John who looked down at him with a smile and walk out of the room after saying a goodbye to...him? Alex was turned around as John turned him around, now able to see where John was and looking in horror to see the laptop on the coffee table, and even more surprising, he looked down to see that he was in the body of John's plush Turtle.

[To Be Continued]

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