Cold Feet n Cuddles

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John fidgeted slightly from where he sat, Lafayette sitting across from him with an unamused expression.

"Mon Ami, are we going to talk?" Lafayette sighed.

"J-just give me a minute." John tapped his finger nervously on the desk between him and Laf, looking around his own bedroom to find anything else to talk about.

"You are the one who called me over?" Lafayette groaned.

"I know, I know." John bit his lip.

"Unless you are confessing your love to me then I am leaving." Lafayette got up, "And I know that is not the case so-"

"I like Alex." John blurted out.

Lafayette resumes his seat across from John with an unchanged expression.

"What?" John frowned.

"It was quite obvious." Lafayette smirked.

John's face turned a dusted red, "Wh-what?"

Lafayette nodded, "You two fawn over each other all the time!"

"B-both of us?" John's face got redder before he shook his head, "N-no, no, no, he likes Eliza- he said so!"

"Then why has he not asked her to a date yet?" Lafayette cocked an eyebrow.

"He- he's too shy?" John fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

"When has Alexander Hamilton ever been shy around girls?" Lafayette snickered.

John shrugged slightly.

"If he wants to ask out a female, he does it." Lafayette shrugged.

"See, he's straight." John leaned back in his chair.

Lafayette pauses before stifling a laugh, "Really?"



"Y-yes-?" John became flustered.

"Alexander has dated many women-"


"But," Lafayette sighed, "I have never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you."

John's freckles has their own redness now, "Y-Yeah?"

"Yes." Lafayette nodded, "You know what he has not asked out Eliza?"

"...Why?" John looked at his lap.

"He is waiting for you." Lafayette folded his arms across his chest.

John's heart leapt, "For- for me?"

"Stop stuttering and understand that a boy likes you." Lafayette rolled his eyes but gave a genuine smile.

"...How do I know though?"

"Ask him?" Lafayette suggested with a slight smirk.

"I- I can't do that!" John shook his head.

"Then imply that you like him." Lafayette shrugged.

"...How so?" John looked up.

"You ever sleep over at his house?" Lafayette asked.

John's face heated up a bit, "I mean- I stay there pretty late on Fridays- we just play video games but-"

"Make an excuse for why you need to stay there." Lafayette leaned forward.

John felt adrenaline coursing through his veins, "I mean- Friday is tomorrow- that's not enough time for me to mentally prepare- plus he probably doesn't even have a place for me to sleep!" John tried to think of any excuse not to do this.

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