Whole Heart: Hanahaki

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[I've wanted to write one of these for awhile]
[Hanahaki Disease: A Disease where one has a flower that grows in their lungs and chest if they believe the one they love does not love them back/requited love]
[Main Setting: Kings Highschool]
[This is going to be a long chapter—]

John fidgeted in his desk as the teacher blabbered on about something, it was a bit incoherent at the moment as John wasn't particularly listening...at all. As per usual, very usual, he was making it look as if he were listening by staring forward, not at the teacher though, of course Alex, duh, what else would he be doing at school? Learning? Yeah, yeah sure.

This tactic seemed to have been working up to this point as with John looking at Alex it made him look very interested, which he very was, and when the teacher looked over, that's just what she saw, not a hurt, Gay boy pining over his best friend but simply one that was very indulged in the class activities.

John had known Alex since the beginning to Middle school until now, their senior year of High school, and before they even became friends, John had a full on crush on that boy, it was pure luck that he was new and John just so happened to invite him to his friend group- actually, no, John just so happened to have a wonderful Laf who he pleaded to invite the "Cute boy over there," To their friend group before another group snagged him, such as Aaron's group, as John had seen the two walking the day before, prompting him even more to spring- rather, have Laf spring, to go and get Alex.

Either way, it worked out and John had accomplished more than what he had initially hoped for, he was one of Alex's closest-

Another lie.

John was a nobody to Alex.

Well, that's what it felt like-
No, that was a lie too.

John wanted to feel like a nobody to Alex because when he thought about being a somebody to Alex...that was just being his good friend, and that hurt more than trying to make yourself invisible to your crush, so John suppressed any feelings he could at any moment he could, other then when he could look at the boy from behind when he was unaware, trying so, so hard otherwise to disappear in the other's eyes, but Alex made that very difficult.

John's shook his head out of his Alex dazed state when the bell rang and blared throughout the room, summoning sighs of both relief and irritation from the group of students. John always either tried to leave very quick, first, so he could avoid Alex, or stall on his phone until Alex left, but this only worked fifty percent of the time both ways, today was the other fifty percent.

"Hey, Papa John!" Alex cracked a grin as he approached John in an actually great Italian accent.

John felt his face heat up, spreading to the whole of his body, "Oh, Hey." He managed to squeak out.

"What's up, Johnny boy?" Alex leaned against John's desk.

John kept his face down, as it burned bright red, Alex did this, always, he never called him John or Laurens, It was always nicknames, and John felt like he was in a love-hate relationship with the nicknames, he didn't want Alex to find out he was blushing, nor that he cared at all, but here was the rare thing, the rare but wonderful thing, when John managed to actually muster to courage to respond with a nickname for Alex, it always came out terrible, but Alex would always laugh, and John loved his laugh, so his foolishness was worth it, "Hey- Uh, papa Alex?"

Alex paused, he didn't laugh immediately this time but his face seemed to turn into- and embarrassed look? Maybe? No? No. Before he let out a fit out laughter.

By now, John's freckles had their own hue of red and it was a miracle that his feet were still holding him up.

"I meant Papa John like the restaurant!" Alex laughed out hardily.

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