Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading the first installment and thanks for coming back for Part 2! We hope you continue to enjoy The Beginning of Forever and The Continuation of Forever!

~One year later~

"Kevin, have you seen my hat?" Edd asks worriedly, throwing the contents of a drawer on to the floor.

"Probably under your shirt from last night" Kevin answers dismissively from across Edd's bedroom.

Edd runs over to the pile of clothes on his floor and shakes them out. His hat and Kevin's boxers both fall out and land in a little heap. "Oh god! Kevin, I can't go to school! Not like this! My hat is going to smell like your... I'm going to miss the big test!" he whines sadly.

"Babe, I got you three for Christmas. Use your Invader Zim one" Kevin offered.

"No! I want my regular one!" Edd pouts like the two year old he truly is.

"Well, guess I can give it to you early..." Kevin got up and pulled out a slim box from his drawer, brightly wrapped. "Happy anniversary, baby!"

Edd takes the box and carefully unwraps it. "Another hat?!" he asks excitedly.

"An exact copy of the one you love so much. I finally found one!"

Edd beams brightly and jumps into his boyfriend's arms. "Thank you, Kevin! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to find it for you" Kevin lifted Edd by his thighs, letting them wrap gently around his waist.

Their lips crash together as Edd pulls Kevin into a thankful kiss. "I love you!" he grins happily.

"I love you, too" Kevin kisses him sweetly once more before letting his legs go and land on the floor gently. "Come on, time for school." Kevin grabbed both of their bags and headed downstairs, Zoie and Shira following close behind.

Edd happily follows Kevin down the stairs. "Good morning mother!" he grins as they rush past Miriam. "Good morning boys! Have a good day at school!" she calls after them. Edd quickly dons his hat before putting his personal helmet on and taking a seat behind Kevin on his bike. "Lets go!" he giggles.

Kevin just grins and takes off, enjoying his boyfriend's good mood and taking full advantage. About halfway there, Kevin stopped at a light before movement caught his eye. Eddy and Ed were walking straight towards them. Kevin was happy that Edd was facing the other way and before Edd could notice them, Kevin turned off and sped away. Edd and Eddy had not talked since their confrontation at the mall all those months back and every time anyone mentioned Eddy, Edd would get quiet and sad. Edd was in a fantastic mood today and Kevin was not about to let that little shit ruin it.

They arrive to school and Edd hops off the motorcycle, happy to death of the way the day has been unfolding so far. "Kevin, I can't believe it's been a whole year already!" he grins.

"A year ago today is when I asked you to help me with my studies... we still got about a week before our actual anniversary" Kevin grinned and grabbed Edd's hand as they walked to class. "And now I have to get you another present because of someone..." he playfully nudging the smaller teen.

Edd gives his signature giggle as he clings onto Kevin's arm and nuzzles his cheek against the large bicep. "Who?" he asks innocently.

Before Kevin can answer Edd's obvious question, Nat appears out of nowhere and tackles the two from behind. "Hello my Captain, Double Delish. What are you two love birds doing strolling through the hall like this?"

The Beginning of Forever: Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant