Part 7

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Kevin woke up around 2:30am and looked around, not seeing Edd but all four dogs. He checked his phone and saw no texts or calls from Edd, but his Facebook notifications indicated that the Ed's had spent all night together at the library and then hung out afterwards until late. Kevin felt very betrayed and hurt but he tried to push it down and away. Edd had a right to have friends and be out with them, he didn't have to be with Kevin all the time. At the same time, it hurt him that Kevin wasn't even an afterthought. After some tossing and turning, he finally managed to fall back asleep.

Edd woke up with only thirty minutes to spare before first period began. He rushed to take a three second shower and threw some clothes on before dashing out of the door. Wheezing and panting, he entered the doors to his first period class just as the bell rang. Once he caught his breath, he searched for his phone only to realize that he'd left it on his nightstand.

Kevin was steamed, he had tried to call his boyfriend five times this morning and texts galore but nothing. Sitting in his desk, arms crossed with a pissed off expression on his face, everyone but Josh and the rest of the team avoided him. "Dude, what happened last night?!" Josh prodded.

"I fell asleep around 8 and he wasn't home yet. Woke up at 2:30 and saw no Edd, no calls, no texts. Tried to call him this morning, that failed many times and all my texts went unanswered" Kevin snipped out.

"Damn, that's so odd for him, isn't it?"

"Yeah but I'm assuming it has something to do with Eddy. He's a horrible influence on Edd and tries to get him in trouble many times. First, he blows off our date then I don't see him for the rest of the night. I knew he would be a bad influence!" Kevin gritted quietly between his teeth, truthfully he was more pissed and the short Ed than the smart one. Eddy noticed Kevin's bad mood and made a note of it for after class.

As the bell rang, Kevin and Josh walked out gathered their belongings and walked out, meeting up with Nazz in the hallway. She gave Kevin a pitiful look and he glared at her but before he could say anything an annoying voice popped up behind him. "What's with the long face, Kev?" Eddy smirked.

Kevin ignored him and suggested that they walk to their second period. Eddy followed "Are you mad because I get to spend more time with your boyfriend than you do?"

"Eddy, why don't you go to class, dude?" Nazz tried but he ignored her.

"Or are you mad that he thinks that he would rather spend time with his real friends than you?"

This time Josh stepped up. "Hey, back off, alright? Stop c-" Eddy pushed past him to get to Kevin and stand in his way and look him in the eyes.

"Maybe he has finally realized what a mistake getting involved with a useless piece of shit you was...?" Before Eddy know what happened, he was on his back with a swollen jaw and Kevin being held back, promising so much more.

Edd was heading to second period when he was stopped by Nazz. "Dude! You need to get to the nurse's office!" she panted "Kevin hurt his hand..." Edd gave her a worried look then rushed to the office. He found Kevin sitting on a gurney, nursing his hand. "Kevin! What happened?!"

"...hurt my hand..." Kevin muttered.

"How? Is it bad?" Edd asked as he took Kevin's hand into his and examined it.

"It's fine, Edd. I just need to ice it."

"What happened?"

"Eddy popped off at the mouth. Said a bunch of shit that got to me about our relationship. I nailed him in the mouth when he said something about you finding someone better than me since I'm a 'useless piece of shit'" Kevin continued to cradle his hand, refusing to look at Edd in the face.

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