Part 8

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Once they arrived at the hospital, Edd released his boyfriend and slowly walked towards the entrance, trying to remain strong and keep his turbulent thoughts at bay. Once inside, Kevin called Nazz and got the room number. Gently grabbing Edd's hand and pulling him down the hallway to Nat's room, he knocked of the partially open door.


"Kev!" Nazz pitched herself into Kevin's one armed hug. "Thank God you're finally here... he woke up a few times but he keeps slipping under. His football career is over..."

"What?!" Kevin raced over to his best friend's side. Seeing him all bandaged up made his stomach churn and his eyes burn with unshed tears. "We know who did this?"

"No..." Nazz said quietly.

Edd quietly made his way to Nat's side and took a seat on the edge of the bed. Tears pricked his eyes as he looked his friend over. "And Rave?"

"Across the hall, he was knocked unconscious. Nat took the worse of it... Are you okay, Double D?"

"I'm fine" he said shortly as he stood up and exited the room. He knocked on Rave's door then entered, trying to not let his guilt eat away at him.

"Edd? Thank you for coming... I didn't know if you were getting my messages."

"I didn't see them until this morning. I'm sorry. How are you feeling?" Edd asked gently as he sat in the chair beside his friend's bed.

"Dizzy and I forget things easily but the doctor said it was normal... I think... I hope. An actor who can't remember anything is no good to anyone. Nat is what I am concerned about... he can't play football anymore!"

Kevin walked in and just listened, waiting for Rave to get done talking "Hey Rave, glad you're awake."

"Hey, Kevin... Did Nat wake up for you guys?" Rave asked with slight tears in his eyes.

"He was still asleep when I left the room. Nazz said that he's been in and out though..." Edd said quietly.

"At least you both are still here. You have any idea who attacked you?"

"No... I can't remember anything from yesterday" Edd reached over and held Rave's hand as his bandaged body began to shake from hard sobs.

"It's alright, we'll all get through this together" Kevin sat on Rave's other side.

Soon, Michael came in. "Hello, Boys. Let's give you another look over then, shall we? I know your name is James but you prefer Rave, correct?"

"Yes" Rave looked up at the dark haired man with a slightly nervous look. "You said I will regain my memory, right?"

"Yes, you got hit pretty hard. It just knocked some grey matter loose. Our brains are really resilient and can heal from a lot of trauma, so you should be alright in a few weeks or so."

"O-okay... and Nathan? Has he woken up yet?" Rave asked, completely forgetting he'd just inquired about him.

"I don't think so but my wife if taking care of him. He is in the best of hands, I assure you. He will wake up soon."

"Alright, thank you Doctor..." he trailed. Chestnut eyes looked up at the scrub clad doctor and stared at his face trying to remember his name.

"Just call me Michael..." he looked to Kevin and Edd. "It would be beneficial to him if you guys would quiz him on people's faces. Even Nat's... I'll see you boys later" he snapped the door shut.

"I don't want to inconvenience either of you. You don't have to quiz me. Go get something to eat or something. I'll be alright here" Rave said as soon as Michael left.

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