Part 2

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"What the..?!" Kevin rushes over to his motorcycle, eyeing the flat tire, scratches, and spray paint. His gas tank was open so he was pretty sure something was put in it. "Damnit! If I ever find out who did this, I'm going to kill them!" Just then a car sped away with tires squealing. "Grab the plate!" Kevin shouted.

Edd looks over and quickly memorizes the plate. "Got it!" he says as he types it out and messages it to everyone. "We can get the restaurant to roll back their cameras. I'm sure they have some outside."

"I'm not going to worry about it right now. I'm calling Thomas and my mother and we're going home and staying there. Thomas will take care of it, I don't know what else to do..." Kevin whined, wrapping an arm around Edd and pulling him close before calling his mother.

Rave looked at Nat "Let's go back inside and let them know what happened. Make Thomas' job a bit easier..." grabbing Nat and pulling him inside.

Edd hugs Kevin back and kisses him softly as he listens in on the call. "No Ma, everyone is fine..." Kevin mutters into the phone from Edd's shoulder. With Kathleen and Thomas on their way, Kevin hung up and concentrated on trying to make himself feel better by kissing and cuddling with the smaller teen in his arms. "Who do you think it was?"

"I don't know... someone from the basketball team maybe? You don't really have the best relationship with any of the players, Kevin."

"Could be, the jocks would be the only ones who would have the balls to do this to my bike." Kathleen and Thomas showed up and they relayed all the information they knew. To say Kevin was pissed was an understatement but he was trying to hold it together for Edd's sake. It was too soon after his father's trial to be this worked up... he had to calm down. Thomas walked off to call in the plate number while Nat and Rave said goodbye to Kevin and Edd, promising to send a text when they get home safe.

Once they get home and into Kevin's room, Edd pulls him close and kisses him. "It's okay to vent Kevin. Please don't bottle this up inside of you" he coos sweetly.

"Why can't people just leave us alone?!" Kevin punches the wall leaving a small dent and cutting a few of his knuckles open. "Wait until that plate comes back... I hope it's registered to someone I know. Tomorrow is going to be perfect to enact some revenge on some very deserving asshole!"

Edd quickly rushes to Kevin's side and cradles his hand in his. "Careful, I know you're angry but don't hurt yourself. Here, let me clean and bandage it for you."

Kevin let Edd lead him to his small bathroom where the first aid kit was kept and quickly cleaned and bandaged his hand. As Edd was putting away the medical supplies, Thomas called and gave Kevin the information about the plate. "The plate is registered to the Sampson's but the car was different from what Edd gave me. We'll question them and get things worked out, alright kid? We'll work on your bike during the weekends and off days."

"Alright..." Kevin grumbled.

"Kevin, I better not hear about any fights that you started with the Sampson boy, you hear me?" Thomas commanded sternly yet gently.

"Yes, sir..." Kevin sighed and hung up.

"Did he find out who did it?" Edd asks hopefully.

"The plate was registered to Eddy's parents... but the car was wrong..."

"Eddy's? But even though he hates our relationship but he wouldn't do something so cruel" the raven says in shock, still unbelieving that his best friend would be so mean.

"Are you sure you saw the car right? A Charger? Eddy's parents can't afford a Charger and if they could I doubt it wouldn't be for Eddy" Kevin reasoned.

The Beginning of Forever: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now