Part 10

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Once Edd and Thomas were alone, Thomas asked "Are you okay? Kevin will be alright, he's a tough kid." Edd nodded but remained quiet. He stared out of the window and watched the trees fly by without really looking at them.

Meanwhile, Kevin was resting in one of the ER rooms while his Mother bussed around the room and fussed with him some more. "Ma, would you stop it?! For the love of God... let me rest!"

"Not until I know that you're completely comfortable! Here, let me go get you another pillow. And another container of water. You need to stay hydrated so you won't scar. Are you hungry? Do you need to go to the restroom? Can I get you any snacks?"

"Mom!! Sit down! That is what I need the most right now! Sit!"

"No! How do you expect me to stay still when my baby boy is in the emergency room?!"

"Because I am only here for a little bit, I'm not being admitted. We just gotta wait for Edd and Thomas to get back! Now relax, please! I don't want you popping early!"

"Do you want to be admitted? I can get you the nicest room available. You may need to stay overnight for that concussion. What if you have brain damage? Here, count to one hundred for me and recite the Constitution."

"Why don't I say the alphabet backwards too? Can never be too sure!" Kevin rolled his eyes. "No Ma, I wanna go home and rest."

"That's a good idea! I taught you how to recite those years ago, you should still be able to do it! Come on, let's do it together. Z...Y.." Kathleen began to chant.

"I'm disowning you... get out" kevin muttered with a tired sigh.

"That didn't sound like a letter. Keep going! R...Q....P...O..."

Kevin groaned and laid back, wishing Edd was here by him. He heard his mother sigh before sitting down. "Thomas took Edd down to the station for questioning and statements. You're wanting to press charges, right?"

"Yeah, I can't believe Eddy took a hit out on me!"

"Neither can I... I'm just thankful you both are alive. That situation could have turned deadly" Kathleen sighed. The curtain suddenly opened and a tear stained face entered the room. Cerulean eyes looked up and glimmered a little as they locked with emerald ones. "K-Kevin..." Edd sniffed, stepping closer to the bed but keeping a distance.

"Edd? C'mere..." Kevin holds his hand out, reaching for him. Edd cautiously approached Kevin and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you okay?" Kathleen fussed around Edd, making sure he is alright until Thomas came in and stopped her. Before he could drag her out she called back "Your mother is on the way back into town and your father is in surgery. They will be here to see you as soon as soon as they can!" as the door shut. They were finally alone.

"Edd? What's wrong?" Kevin asked as tears started to roll down Edd's cheeks.

"I'm weak... I couldn't help you when you needed me the most and I'm so sorry!" Edd said through broken sobs.

"Baby, I'm not mad at you. You did everything you could... you knocked one of them out cold!"

Edd grinned a little and looked up. "I did, didn't I?" he sniffed. "I didn't know you saw that."

"I was keeping an eye on you. I was terrified that they were going to hurt you."

"If it meant making them stop, I would have gladly taken a beating" Edd reached up and gently touched the bandage above Kevin's eye. "You know I didn't plan on leaving you, right? I was planning on blindsiding Eddy when we were far enough away."

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