Part 5

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Kevin was pulled from his slumber by a cellphone going off. He nudges Edd's shoulder to gently wake him to stop the annoying noise.

Edd sighs and reaches over. The call was from Eddy. He grumbles an "I'll call you later" then hangs up before his friend can speak. He places the phone behind him before curling back into his lover's arms. Kevin pulled Edd closer to his chest but before they could get back to sleep, the phone rang again. "I'm going to kill whoever that is. It better not be Eddy..."

Edd flips his phone to vibrate and hits the volume button to silence it. "There, all taken care of" he says with a hint of annoyance at the call.

"You know if it is Eddy, he's going to bitch that you didn't answer..."

Edd gives a heavy sigh then flips over and calls Eddy back. "How may I assist you, sir? Are you dying?"

"You promised that you would be over here by noon today. Ed and I had plans with you! Where are you?" Eddy whined. Kevin rolled over on top of Edd and proceeded to kiss and suck down his neck. Edd runs his fingers through Kevin's hair and sighs into his phone. "I know I did but ah~ c-can we postpone it for a little while? I'm a bit busy this morning."

"I see, I'll just tell Ed that Kevin is more important than us. *click*"

"Ugh!" Edd groans, completely losing the chub forming below his waist.

"I normally don't get the reaction from people when I kiss them. That's new" Kevin chuckles before continuing to nip and kiss.

"It's not you, Eddy is... being Eddy..." Edd sighs. He lifts Kevin's head up and places a soft kiss on his lips. "I apologize for that, my love."

"You have to go?" Kevin asks with and knowing sigh.

Edd stays quiet for a moment then kisses Kevin again "Why would I have to go?"

"I don't wanna come between you and him... I also don't wanna hear Eddy bitch..."

Edd thinks hard for a moment then squeezes Kevin tight. "I want to stay with you but I don't want him to hate me again... what should I do, Kevin?"

"You need to do what you feel is right. I'm not going anywhere and our relationship isn't new. So maybe you should go hang out with your friends, as much as I hate to admit it" Kevin sighed.

"Alright, I guess I'll go get dressed" Edd says with a frown.

"Don't be like that. I thought you wanted to be friends with him...?"

"I do but I also want to make love to you" Edd pouts.

"We have a long time to make love to each other, remember that?" Kevin leaned over and kissed him. "Go have a good time with your friends and when you get back, we'll cuddle on the couch and Netflix all night."

Edd sighs but reluctantly gets up and puts some clothes on. "You stay here and rest. I'll call Mother to come pick me up."

"I can drop you off at Eddy's house. I'm gonna go and see if me and Nat can score some practice time with Thomas on the range. Just text me when you're done" Kevin stretched.

Thirty minutes later, they're in the truck and pulling up to Eddy's house. "Thank you, Kevin. I'm really sorry about all of this, I promise I'll make it up to you when I get home!" he says with a kiss to Kevin's cheek.

"As long as he doesn't take you from me all the time, I'm okay with it. I look forward to your 'make up' session" Kevin replied with a grin. Watching Edd enter Eddy's house, he caught the bad look the short asshole sent Kevin's way but he ignored it... for Edd's sake. Making a mental note of it, he pulled out and left to his mother's home to wait for his friend.

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