Chapter 2

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In U.A

Lunch break was nearly over students were now heading back to their assigned class or finishing up their lunch. In class 1-A everyone was just talking for the last few minutes they had before class started again.

"Hey Deku I've just noticed this but why do you call Bakugo, Kacchan?" asked Ochako Uraraka.

Iida Tenya was closed by and heard what Ochako asked Deku and got curious about it now too. Other students in class 1-A also heard the question asked by Uraraka. They stopped and turned their attention to Izuku Midoriya(Deku) and Uraraka. The boy hadn't noticed everyone's attention was now on him and being oblivious to it he just answered.

"Oh, Kacchan was a nickname given to him by our childhood friend, Aria. When she started calling him Kacchan I started calling him by that name too. I guess it sorta stayed. She even gave me the nickname Deku too."

Everyone was somewhat shocked. A girl gave Bakugo a nickname and it stayed. No one could believe it! Bakugo was a very violent, arrogant, and aggressive person. His attitude was like one of a delinquent, he also tends to be anti-heroic and sometimes just downright villainous. He was just not a nice person. So finding out that he didn't snap at the girl called "Aria" was shocking. Before anyone could question Midoriya they were snapped out of their thoughts about the matter by their teacher, Aizawa-sensei.

"Everyone in your seats," he said.


Aria woke up and left early so she could finish her shopping and have some time just to look around. For a while now she's been just wandering around the place. She was now at the park just taking a break from all the walking. She watched as kids were running around and playing. She saw families were having picnics. She smiled at the nice mood which everyone was displaying.

Aria soon spotted a small boy crying hiding behind a tree. She stood up and went to him thinking he might be lost. He was crouched down and crying so when she was beside him she went down on her knees.

"Hi, I'm Aria. What's your name?" asked Aria in a very kind voice.

" Kuroda," he says quickly wiping his tears away. He brings his head up towards Aria. Now putting on a brave face he continues with, "I'm Kuroda Fumihiro."

"Hi, Kuroda. Were you separated from your parents?"

"Yeah," replies the young boy.

"I know! Why don't we play a game while looking for your parents?" suggested Aria.

He beamed and stood up agreeing to play with her. For a while now they played all kind of games around the park just the two of them. Kids that were close by to them saw how they were having fun and wanted to join in too and they did.

"Hey, big sis, can I play too?"

"Me too, me too please!"

"Can I join too?"

"I wanna play too!"

Kids were coming up to Aria one by one. Soon there was a decent amount of kids around her and Kuroda.

"Okay, settle down. You guys can all join! Let's introduce ourselves first okay? Well, onēchan here is called Aria.

Kuroda went second then another went one by one they had all introduce themselves. When introduction was done they voted on a game.

The game was called Heroes and Villains. They were all divided into two teams with 6 on each team. One side was the Heroes and the other side was the Villains. The Villains are running away from the Heroes while the Heroes have to chase the Villains. Once the Heroes touch a villain that villain has been captured and has to go to prison. Which was basically a circle they drew but the thing is other villains can come and break their companions out of prison. Once Aria finished telling them the rules all the kids that were Villains had a minute head start.

Once that minute was up the Heroes went off chasing down the Villains. The kids were all having so much fun. The parents and families watched as they played there fun game. To them, it was quite entertaining. They were soon complementing the girl who made their beloved kids so happy.

What a nice girl, some thought.

Soon the villains were being captured. Two villains were now remaining. Aria spotted them and chased them down getting one. Now she had one last villain to chase down. Aria was chasing the last villain who was a little girl called Sakura. Sakura was way too close to the pond so slipped and fell in. She was underwater for a few seconds but when she resurfaced she seemed to have been brought to the middle of the pond. She was gagging and coughing she was flapping her arms around wildly trying her best to keep her up but the water was still seeping into her system.

She can't swim!, thought Aria.

Everyone nearby saw it and came rushing. They wouldn't make it in time though. So Aria ran and dove right in swimming to the girl. As she got to her she placed her on her back and used her quirk. Aria got them both out of the water. The girl was in Aria's arms crying and thanking her for saving her. When people witnessed they were both safe they went to them and checked on them after a couple of minutes they went back to whatever they were doing.


Aria and the young girl turned and saw a couple running towards them. It was Sakura's parents. Sakura ran to her parents. They embraced each other in a joyful hug. They were relieved that their daughter was safe. The pair thanked Aria for saving their daughter they truly appreciated what she did.

"Here, take this. If you need anything at all, just call. Well be happy to help," said the Father of Sakura handing Aria a card. It was a business card.

"That's our business card but behind it I wrote our personal number the first one is mine and the second one is my wife's, feel free to contact us for anything," said Sakura's Father.

"Thank you very much!" said Aria.

"You should visit, I'm sure Sakura would be happy to have you play with her," said Sakura's Mother.

"I'm so sorry, we forgot introductions! I'm Mura Rienzo and this is Kitabayashi Rienzo," said Mrs.Reinzo.

"Ah, it's ok. I'm Aria Yuuki, it's a pleasure," said Aria.

The couple liked Aria already she was kind and polite. Her last name though sounded very familiar but they didn't ponder over it. Aria was invited to join their picnic but before she could she went back to go get Kuroda. She was taking care of him after all since he got separated from his parents. They ate together and got to know one another. After a few minutes, the parents of Kuroda found them. They thanked Aria for taking care of their son. Sakura's parents invited them to join them soon they gladly accepted. They spent a great time with each other. Aria got to know Kuroda's parents and they also told her that she could contact them for anything as well.

After a while, Aria had to leave remembering she still had to decorate Heights Alliances and tuck away her new clothes. Aria used her quirk bringing her to her room. She started off putting her clothes away shortly she decorated the living room and halls with flowers, vases, and beautiful pictures. When she finished she changed and prepared for bed. As she was laying in bed tired she fell asleep her finale thoughts were about how she was going to be going to class 1-A.

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